Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Available tokens: date, nickname, description, dmesg.

Date From (nickname) OS (derived) Description
2004-12-07 obirt NetBSD i810-DC100 NetBSD 2.0RC5
2004-12-07 obirt NetBSD i810-DC100 NetBSD 2.0RC5
2004-12-07 obirt NetBSD i810-DC100 NetBSD 2.0RC5
2004-12-07 obirt NetBSD i810-DC100 NetBSD 2.0RC5
2004-12-07 obirt NetBSD i810-DC100 NetBSD 2.0RC5
2004-12-01 obirt NetBSD i815 GX115 NetBSD 2.0
2004-11-29 mui NetBSD 386SX with no FPU! netbsd shows it incorrectly as 386DX. NetBSD-2.0RC4 kernel with RC5 userland. running httpd, mp3 streaming, ircd and soon quake server.
2004-11-27 herauthon NetBSD Compaq Proliant 1500 Pentium 1 - 100Mhz Socket 5 Onboard 80MB - addressed only 16Mb Bought for 3.5eu [bisbis]
2004-11-25 obirt NetBSD K6-2 SIS with 3dfx Voodoo 5
2004-11-16 Ackbar NetBSD Powerbook PDQ SAKA Wallstreet SAKA Mainstreet
2004-09-25 hbent NetBSD DECstation 5000/150 with PMAGB-B video card and no mouse
2004-09-24 miny3945 NetBSD Workstation running NetBSD 2.0G/i386. It`s Athlon based with scsi, dvd-rw etc. Note that the machine`s using a scsi-3 cable, and therefore sd0 works at 40.000MB/s. New cable is on the way...
2004-09-20 obirt NetBSD Dell PowerEdge 4300 dual PIII/500 443GX board. Note how the pre 1.0 spec usb controller can`t map it`s iospace. Pretty crude bios hack to disable it.
2004-09-20 hbent NetBSD SparcStation 5 with 10baseT+SCSI combo SBUS card
2004-08-24 holger NetBSD NetBSD/i386 2.0_BETA on a Pentium I/200 with SCSI and IDE HDDs
2004-08-20 vagina NetBSD Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo Pro V 2000
2004-08-20 vagina NetBSD Toshiba Satellite P10-874 P4 3.0GHz & 15,4TWide
2004-08-11 obirt NetBSD Dell OptiPlex GX240
2004-08-10 vagina NetBSD 2xPentiumII with 400 MHz :) and Raid
2004-08-09 obirt NetBSD Dual Pentium Pro 200 MHz doing some problem solving for the MP kernel. Kicking it old school, no ACPI here. Yes it has 3 video cards, no I haven`t been able to make X work yet with more than one.
2004-08-09 obirt NetBSD PowerBook G3 Mainstreet aka Wallstreet 233 MHz 0k l2 cache before it was upgraded to a 300 MHz 1MB backside cache cpu card
2004-08-09 obirt NetBSD DEC Alpha AXPpci33 21066 166MHz before sending it off to a new owner.
2004-08-09 obirt NetBSD DEC VAXstation 3100 m30 before sending it off to a new owner. Built like a tank.
2004-08-02 dilmah NetBSD Dual board ASUS P2B-DS; 2 Pentium-III 550MHz processors; 896Mb RAM
2004-07-30 beoneel NetBSD Apple Macintosh Powerbook 540c, 33mhz 68LC040, 36 Meg memory.
2004-07-30 BSD TECH NetBSD i86 - P3 933mhz
2004-07-28 Bortzmeyer NetBSD NetBSD 1.6.2 on UltraSparc 10 headless Mostly used for development/experimentation
2004-07-26 hbent NetBSD Power Macintosh G4/733 (4X AGP)
2004-07-25 hbent NetBSD Dell PowerEdge 1400
2004-07-25 hbent NetBSD Power Macintosh 8600/300
2004-07-15 tm NetBSD Sun Ultra1E/170
2004-07-15 tm NetBSD SGI Indy, R4600@133MHz, Newport
2004-07-15 tm NetBSD Sony News NWS-3410
2004-07-08 tm NetBSD Acorn RiscPC 600 + StrongARM CPU card
2004-07-08 tm NetBSD Digital DEC3000 - M300X
2004-07-08 tm NetBSD IBM RS/6000 43P-100
2004-06-30 LapisLazuli NetBSD SGI O2 (R5000 MIPS CPU) with 312MiB of RAM (of which NetBSD can only see 256MiB, unfortunately). Integrated ultra-SCSI is used, but the on-board NIC isn`t fully supported (ARCS ("bios") can use it to netboot the kernel, but the OS can`t use it) so there`s a cheap PCI NIC installed in the single PCI slot. Laz is used as a shell (mail, mostly) and IRC server for a local users group.
2004-06-29 Beaker NetBSD The Machine: ------------ Sun Microsystems SPARCstation 1+ running the NetBSD-1.6.1/sparc NOS. The Specs: ---------- Sun 4/65 system board + 25 MHz Wietek CPU + 64MB ECC RAM Seagate ST1480 424MB SCSI-2 Hard Drive Milan AUI-to-Ethernet transceiver (10Mbps) The Purpose: ------------ Simple Machines is a University of MN Gopher server owned and operated by Beaker and located in Eugene, OR. Though it exists solely for its owner`s amusement, some attempt is made to provide useful information, primarily of interest to those living in the greater Eugene-Springfield area, local canoeists and kayakers in particular.
2004-06-29 TGEN NetBSD Intel Celeron Tualatin 1.0A on a Apollo Pro 266 (non-T) board, with hardsoldered Tualatin hacks. 256MB PC2100 DDR SDRAM.
2004-06-29 Snark NetBSD One of the few remaining pc532`s in the world, complete with a SCSI-Ethernet adapter.

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