Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Date: 2017-11-16 09:15:59
From: Semihalf
Description: IBM POWER8 S821LC (SMP with 128CPUs)

/ # tftp -g -r users/pdk/p8/kexec[_IP_XXXXX]
/ # chmod +x kexec
/ # ./kexec -l kernel
load_kernel: kernel requires an ELF interpreter
/ # ./kexec -e -f
[13104160490003,3] OPAL: Trying a CPU re-init with flags: 0x1
powerpc_init: no loader metadata.
KDB: debugger backends: ddb
KDB: current backend: ddb
[13104261023794,3] OPAL: Trying a CPU re-init with flags: 0x1
Copyright (c) 1992-2017 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
        The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT #931 76bf8ee41fb(ppc64-devint)-dirty: Wed Nov 15 14:57:21 CET 2017
    wma@ppc64-prime:/home/wma/ppc64-freebsd/obj/powerpc.powerpc64/home/wma/ppc64-freebsd/sys/GENERIC64 powerpc
gcc version 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]
VT: init without driver.
cpu0: IBM POWER8 revision 2.0, 2328.00 MHz
cpu0: Features dc005180<PPC32,PPC64,ALTIVEC,FPU,MMU,SMT,ARCH205,ARCH206,VSX>
cpu0: Features2 c2000000<ARCH207,HTM,VCRYPTO>
real memory  = 137349758976 (130986 MB)
avail memory = 131997712384 (125882 MB)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 128 CPUs
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
firmware_register: image t4fw already registered!
module_register_init: MOD_LOAD (t5fw_cfg_fw, 0x3d90df8, 0) error 6
random: entropy device external interface
kbd0 at kbdmux0
ofwbus0: <Open Firmware Device Tree> on nexus0
pcib0: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x3fffe40000000-0x3fffe40000fff on ofwbus0
pcib1: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x3fffe40100000-0x3fffe40100fff on ofwbus0
pcib2: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x3fffe40200000-0x3fffe40200fff on ofwbus0
pcib3: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x3fffe41000000-0x3fffe41000fff on ofwbus0
pcib4: <OPAL Host-PCI bridge> mem 0x3fffe41100000-0x3fffe41100fff on ofwbus0
xicp0: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80010000-0x3ffff80010fff,0x3ffff80011000-0x3ffff80011fff,0x3ffff80012000-0x3ffff80012fff,0x3ffff80013000-0x3ffff80013fff,0x3ffff80014000-0x3ffff80014fff,0x3ffff80015000-0x3ffff80015fff,0x3ffff80016000-0x3ffff80016fff,0x3ffff80017000-0x3ffff80017fff on ofwbus0
xicp0: Handling CPUs 16-23
xicp1: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80020000-0x3ffff80020fff,0x3ffff80021000-0x3ffff80021fff,0x3ffff80022000-0x3ffff80022fff,0x3ffff80023000-0x3ffff80023fff,0x3ffff80024000-0x3ffff80024fff,0x3ffff80025000-0x3ffff80025fff,0x3ffff80026000-0x3ffff80026fff,0x3ffff80027000-0x3ffff80027fff on ofwbus0
xicp1: Handling CPUs 32-39
xicp2: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80030000-0x3ffff80030fff,0x3ffff80031000-0x3ffff80031fff,0x3ffff80032000-0x3ffff80032fff,0x3ffff80033000-0x3ffff80033fff,0x3ffff80034000-0x3ffff80034fff,0x3ffff80035000-0x3ffff80035fff,0x3ffff80036000-0x3ffff80036fff,0x3ffff80037000-0x3ffff80037fff on ofwbus0
xicp2: Handling CPUs 48-55
xicp3: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80050000-0x3ffff80050fff,0x3ffff80051000-0x3ffff80051fff,0x3ffff80052000-0x3ffff80052fff,0x3ffff80053000-0x3ffff80053fff,0x3ffff80054000-0x3ffff80054fff,0x3ffff80055000-0x3ffff80055fff,0x3ffff80056000-0x3ffff80056fff,0x3ffff80057000-0x3ffff80057fff on ofwbus0
xicp3: Handling CPUs 80-87
xicp4: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80058000-0x3ffff80058fff,0x3ffff80059000-0x3ffff80059fff,0x3ffff8005a000-0x3ffff8005afff,0x3ffff8005b000-0x3ffff8005bfff,0x3ffff8005c000-0x3ffff8005cfff,0x3ffff8005d000-0x3ffff8005dfff,0x3ffff8005e000-0x3ffff8005efff,0x3ffff8005f000-0x3ffff8005ffff on ofwbus0
xicp4: Handling CPUs 88-95
xicp5: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80060000-0x3ffff80060fff,0x3ffff80061000-0x3ffff80061fff,0x3ffff80062000-0x3ffff80062fff,0x3ffff80063000-0x3ffff80063fff,0x3ffff80064000-0x3ffff80064fff,0x3ffff80065000-0x3ffff80065fff,0x3ffff80066000-0x3ffff80066fff,0x3ffff80067000-0x3ffff80067fff on ofwbus0
xicp5: Handling CPUs 96-103
xicp6: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80068000-0x3ffff80068fff,0x3ffff80069000-0x3ffff80069fff,0x3ffff8006a000-0x3ffff8006afff,0x3ffff8006b000-0x3ffff8006bfff,0x3ffff8006c000-0x3ffff8006cfff,0x3ffff8006d000-0x3ffff8006dfff,0x3ffff8006e000-0x3ffff8006efff,0x3ffff8006f000-0x3ffff8006ffff on ofwbus0
xicp6: Handling CPUs 104-111
xicp7: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80070000-0x3ffff80070fff,0x3ffff80071000-0x3ffff80071fff,0x3ffff80072000-0x3ffff80072fff,0x3ffff80073000-0x3ffff80073fff,0x3ffff80074000-0x3ffff80074fff,0x3ffff80075000-0x3ffff80075fff,0x3ffff80076000-0x3ffff80076fff,0x3ffff80077000-0x3ffff80077fff on ofwbus0
xicp7: Handling CPUs 112-119
xicp8: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80418000-0x3ffff80418fff,0x3ffff80419000-0x3ffff80419fff,0x3ffff8041a000-0x3ffff8041afff,0x3ffff8041b000-0x3ffff8041bfff,0x3ffff8041c000-0x3ffff8041cfff,0x3ffff8041d000-0x3ffff8041dfff,0x3ffff8041e000-0x3ffff8041efff,0x3ffff8041f000-0x3ffff8041ffff on ofwbus0
xicp8: Handling CPUs 1048-1055
xicp9: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80420000-0x3ffff80420fff,0x3ffff80421000-0x3ffff80421fff,0x3ffff80422000-0x3ffff80422fff,0x3ffff80423000-0x3ffff80423fff,0x3ffff80424000-0x3ffff80424fff,0x3ffff80425000-0x3ffff80425fff,0x3ffff80426000-0x3ffff80426fff,0x3ffff80427000-0x3ffff80427fff on ofwbus0
xicp9: Handling CPUs 1056-1063
xicp10: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80428000-0x3ffff80428fff,0x3ffff80429000-0x3ffff80429fff,0x3ffff8042a000-0x3ffff8042afff,0x3ffff8042b000-0x3ffff8042bfff,0x3ffff8042c000-0x3ffff8042cfff,0x3ffff8042d000-0x3ffff8042dfff,0x3ffff8042e000-0x3ffff8042efff,0x3ffff8042f000-0x3ffff8042ffff on ofwbus0
xicp10: Handling CPUs 1064-1071
xicp11: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80430000-0x3ffff80430fff,0x3ffff80431000-0x3ffff80431fff,0x3ffff80432000-0x3ffff80432fff,0x3ffff80433000-0x3ffff80433fff,0x3ffff80434000-0x3ffff80434fff,0x3ffff80435000-0x3ffff80435fff,0x3ffff80436000-0x3ffff80436fff,0x3ffff80437000-0x3ffff80437fff on ofwbus0
xicp11: Handling CPUs 1072-1079
xicp12: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80448000-0x3ffff80448fff,0x3ffff80449000-0x3ffff80449fff,0x3ffff8044a000-0x3ffff8044afff,0x3ffff8044b000-0x3ffff8044bfff,0x3ffff8044c000-0x3ffff8044cfff,0x3ffff8044d000-0x3ffff8044dfff,0x3ffff8044e000-0x3ffff8044efff,0x3ffff8044f000-0x3ffff8044ffff on ofwbus0
xicp12: Handling CPUs 1096-1103
xicp13: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80450000-0x3ffff80450fff,0x3ffff80451000-0x3ffff80451fff,0x3ffff80452000-0x3ffff80452fff,0x3ffff80453000-0x3ffff80453fff,0x3ffff80454000-0x3ffff80454fff,0x3ffff80455000-0x3ffff80455fff,0x3ffff80456000-0x3ffff80456fff,0x3ffff80457000-0x3ffff80457fff on ofwbus0
xicp13: Handling CPUs 1104-1111
xicp14: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80458000-0x3ffff80458fff,0x3ffff80459000-0x3ffff80459fff,0x3ffff8045a000-0x3ffff8045afff,0x3ffff8045b000-0x3ffff8045bfff,0x3ffff8045c000-0x3ffff8045cfff,0x3ffff8045d000-0x3ffff8045dfff,0x3ffff8045e000-0x3ffff8045efff,0x3ffff8045f000-0x3ffff8045ffff on ofwbus0
xicp14: Handling CPUs 1112-1119
xicp15: <External Interrupt Presentation Controller> mem 0x3ffff80468000-0x3ffff80468fff,0x3ffff80469000-0x3ffff80469fff,0x3ffff8046a000-0x3ffff8046afff,0x3ffff8046b000-0x3ffff8046bfff,0x3ffff8046c000-0x3ffff8046cfff,0x3ffff8046d000-0x3ffff8046dfff,0x3ffff8046e000-0x3ffff8046efff,0x3ffff8046f000-0x3ffff8046ffff on ofwbus0
xicp15: Handling CPUs 1128-1135
xics0: <External Interrupt Source Controller> on ofwbus0
cpulist0: <Open Firmware CPU Group> on ofwbus0
cpu0: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu1: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu2: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu3: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu4: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu5: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu6: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu7: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu8: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu9: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu10: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu11: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu12: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu13: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu14: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu15: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
opal0: <OPAL Abstraction Firmware> irq 16,17,18,19,20,21,65552,65553,65554,65555,65556,65557,4094,4095,6142,6143,8190,8191,69630,69631,71678,71679 on ofwbus0
opal0: registered as a time-of-day clock, resolution 0.002000s
opalcons0: <OPAL Consoles> on opal0
uart0: <OPAL Serial Port> on opalcons0
uart0: console
pci0: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib0
pcib5: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> at device 0.0 on pci0
pci5: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib5
pci1: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib1
pcib6: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> at device 0.0 on pci1
pci6: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib6
pcib7: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> mem 0x84000000-0x8403ffff irq 1 at device 0.0 on pci6
pci7: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib7
pcib8: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> irq 1 at device 1.0 on pci7
pci8: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib8
igb0: <Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection, Version - 2.5.3-k> mem 0x80800000-0x8081ffff,0x80000000-0x801fffff,0x80840000-0x80843fff irq 1 at device 0.0 on pci8
igb0: Using MSIX interrupts with 5 vectors
igb0: Ethernet address: [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
igb0: Bound queue 0 to cpu 0
igb0: Bound queue 1 to cpu 1
igb0: Bound queue 2 to cpu 2
igb0: Bound queue 3 to cpu 3
igb1: <Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection, Version - 2.5.3-k> mem 0x80820000-0x8083ffff,0x80400000-0x805fffff,0x80844000-0x80847fff irq 2 at device 0.1 on pci8
igb1: Using MSIX interrupts with 5 vectors
igb1: Ethernet address: [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
igb1: Bound queue 0 to cpu 4
igb1: Bound queue 1 to cpu 5
igb1: Bound queue 2 to cpu 6
igb1: Bound queue 3 to cpu 7
pcib9: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> irq 1 at device 8.0 on pci7
pci9: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib9
pcib10: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> irq 1 at device 9.0 on pci7
pci10: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib10
xhci0: <XHCI (generic) USB 3.0 controller> mem 0x81000000-0x8100ffff,0x81010000-0x81011fff irq 1 at device 0.0 on pci10
xhci0: 64 bytes context size, 64-bit DMA
usbus0 on xhci0
pcib11: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> irq 1 at device 10.0 on pci7
pci11: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib11
pcib1: failed to reserve resource for pcib6
pcib1: failed to reserve resource for pcib6
pcib1: failed to reserve resource for pcib6
pcib1: failed to reserve resource for pcib6
pcib1: failed to reserve resource for pcib6
ahci0: <Marvell 88SE9230 AHCI SATA controller> mem 0x81810000-0x818107ff irq 1 at device 0.0 on pci11
ahci0: AHCI v1.20 with 8 6Gbps ports, Port Multiplier not supported
ahci0: quirks=0x900<NOBSYRES,ALTSIG>
ahcich0: <AHCI channel> at channel 0 on ahci0
ahcich1: <AHCI channel> at channel 1 on ahci0
ahcich2: <AHCI channel> at channel 2 on ahci0
ahcich3: <AHCI channel> at channel 3 on ahci0
ahcich4: <AHCI channel> at channel 4 on ahci0
ahcich5: <AHCI channel> at channel 5 on ahci0
ahcich6: <AHCI channel> at channel 6 on ahci0
ahcich7: <AHCI channel> at channel 7 on ahci0
pcib12: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> irq 1 at device 11.0 on pci7
pci12: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib12
pcib13: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> at device 0.0 on pci12
pci13: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib13
vgapci0: <VGA-compatible display> mem 0x82000000-0x82ffffff,0x83000000-0x8301ffff irq 1 at device 0.0 on pci13
pcib14: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> irq 1 at device 12.0 on pci7
pci14: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib14
pcib1: failed to reserve resource for pcib6
pcib1: failed to reserve resource for pcib6
pcib1: failed to reserve resource for pcib6
pcib1: failed to reserve resource for pcib6
pcib1: failed to reserve resource for pcib6
ahci1: <Marvell 88SE9230 AHCI SATA controller> mem 0x83810000-0x838107ff irq 1 at device 0.0 on pci14
ahci1: AHCI v1.20 with 8 6Gbps ports, Port Multiplier not supported
ahci1: quirks=0x900<NOBSYRES,ALTSIG>
ahcich8: <AHCI channel> at channel 0 on ahci1
ahcich9: <AHCI channel> at channel 1 on ahci1
ahcich10: <AHCI channel> at channel 2 on ahci1
ahcich11: <AHCI channel> at channel 3 on ahci1
ahcich12: <AHCI channel> at channel 4 on ahci1
ahcich13: <AHCI channel> at channel 5 on ahci1
ahcich14: <AHCI channel> at channel 6 on ahci1
ahcich15: <AHCI channel> at channel 7 on ahci1
pci2: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib2
pcib15: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> at device 0.0 on pci2
pci15: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib15
pci15: <network, ethernet> at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
pci15: <network, ethernet> at device 0.1 (no driver attached)
pci15: <network, ethernet> at device 0.2 (no driver attached)
pci15: <network, ethernet> at device 0.3 (no driver attached)
pci3: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib3
pcib16: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> at device 0.0 on pci3
pci16: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib16
pci16: <mass storage, NVM> at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
pci4: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib4
pcib17: <OFW PCI-PCI bridge> at device 0.0 on pci4
pci17: <OFW PCI bus> on pcib17
t6nex0: <Chelsio T6225-CR> mem 0x81600000-0x8167ffff,0x80000000-0x80ffffff,0x81988000-0x81989fff irq 1 at device 0.4 on pci17
cc0: <port 0> on t6nex0
cc0: Ethernet address: [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
cc0: 16 txq, 8 rxq (NIC)
cc1: <port 1> on t6nex0
cc1: Ethernet address: [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
cc1: 16 txq, 8 rxq (NIC)
t6nex0: PCIe gen3 x8, 2 ports, 18 MSI-X interrupts, 51 eq, 17 iq
pci17: <serial bus, Fibre Channel> at device 0.6 (no driver attached)
pci17: <mass storage, SCSI> at device 0.5 (no driver attached)
Timecounter "timebase" frequency 512000000 Hz quality 0
Event timer "decrementer" frequency 512000000 Hz quality 1000
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
md0: Embedded image 20480000 bytes at 0x29f4750
usbus0: 5.0Gbps Super Speed USB v3.0
ugen0.1: <0x104c XHCI root HUB> at usbus0
uhub0: <0x104c XHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 3.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus0
uhub0: 8 ports with 8 removable, self powered
ugen0.2: <JMicron USB to ATAATAPI bridge> at usbus0
umass0 on uhub0
umass0: <MSC Bulk-Only Transfer> on usbus0
umass0:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks = 0x4000
umass0:16:0: Attached to scbus16
ugen0.3: <Generic Mass Storage> at usbus0
umass1 on uhub0
umass1: <Generic Mass Storage, class 0/0, rev 2.00/1.06, addr 2> on usbus0
umass1:  SCSI over Bulk-Only; quirks = 0x4101
umass1:17:1: Attached to scbus17
ugen0.4: <vendor 0x0557 product 0x7000> at usbus0
uhub1 on uhub0
uhub1: <vendor 0x0557 product 0x7000, class 9/0, rev 2.00/0.00, addr 3> on usbus0
uhub1: 4 ports with 3 removable, self powered
ugen0.5: <vendor 0x0557 product 0x2419> at usbus0
ukbd0 on uhub1
ukbd0: <vendor 0x0557 product 0x2419, class 0/0, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 4> on usbus0
kbd1 at ukbd0
ums0 on uhub1
ums0: <vendor 0x0557 product 0x2419, class 0/0, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 4> on usbus0
ums0: 3 buttons and [Z] coordinates ID=0
ahcich2: Poll timeout on slot 1 port 0
ahcich2: is 00000000 cs 00000002 ss 00000000 rs 00000002 tfd 50 serr 00000000 cmd 10008017
ugen0.6: <vendor 0x0451 product 0x8142> at usbus0
uhub2 on uhub0
uhub2: <vendor 0x0451 product 0x8142, class 9/0, rev 2.10/1.00, addr 5> on usbus0
uhub2: MTT enabled
uhub2: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
ugen0.7: <vendor 0x0451 product 0x8140> at usbus0
uhub3 on uhub0
uhub3: <vendor 0x0451 product 0x8140, class 9/0, rev 3.00/1.00, addr 6> on usbus0
uhub3: 4 ports with 4 removable, self powered
ahcich3: Poll timeout on slot 1 port 0
ahcich3: is 00000000 cs 00000002 ss 00000000 rs 00000002 tfd 50 serr 00000000 cmd 10008017
ahcich0: Poll timeout on slot 1 port 0
ahcich0: is 00000000 cs 00000002 ss 00000000 rs 00000002 tfd 50 serr 00000000 cmd 1000c017
ahcich1: Poll timeout on slot 1 port 0
ahcich1: is 00000000 cs 00000002 ss 00000000 rs 00000002 tfd 50 serr 00000000 cmd 10008017
(aprobe2:ahcich2:0:0:0): SOFT_RESET. ACB: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(aprobe2:ahcich2:0:0:0): CAM status: Command timeout
(aprobe2:ahcich2:0:0:0): Error 5, Retries exhausted
(aprobe3:ahcich3:0:0:0): SOFT_RESET. ACB: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(aprobe1:ahcich1:0:0:0): SOFT_RESET. ACB: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(aprobe1:ahcich1:0:0:0): CAM status: Command timeout
(aprobe1:ahcich1:0:0:0): Error 5, Retries exhausted
(aprobe3:ahcich3:0:0:0): CAM status: Command timeout
(aprobe3:ahcich3:0:0:0): Error 5, Retries exhausted
(aprobe0:ahcich0:0:0:0): SOFT_RESET. ACB: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(aprobe0:ahcich0:0:0:0): CAM status: Command timeout
(aprobe0:ahcich0:0:0:0): Error 5, Retries exhausted
(probe0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): REPORT LUNS. CDB: a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 
(probe0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): CAM status: SCSI Status Error
(probe0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): SCSI status: Check Condition
(probe0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): SCSI sense: ILLEGAL REQUEST asc:20,0 (Invalid command operation code)
(probe0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): Error 22, Unretryable error
ahcich3: Poll timeout on slot 2 port 0
ahcich3: is 00000000 cs 00000004 ss 00000000 rs 00000004 tfd 50 serr 00000000 cmd 10008017
(aprobe3:ahcich3:0:0:0): SOFT_RESET. ACB: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
ahcich1: Poll timeout on slot 2 port 0
ahcich1: is 00000000 cs 00000004 ss 00000000 rs 00000004 tfd 50 serr 00000000 cmd 10008017
(aprobe1:ahcich1:0:0:0): SOFT_RESET. ACB: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
ahcich0: Poll timeout on slot 2 port 0
ahcich0: is 00000000 cs 00000004 ss 00000000 rs 00000004 tfd 50 serr 00000000 cmd 1000c017
(aprobe3:ahcich3:0:0:0): CAM status: Command timeout
(aprobe3:ahcich3:0:0:0): Error 5, Retries exhausted
(aprobe1:ahcich1:0:0:0): CAM status: Command timeout
(aprobe1:ahcich1:0:0:0): Error 5, Retries exhausted
(aprobe0:ahcich0:0:0:0): SOFT_RESET. ACB: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(aprobe0:ahcich0:0:0:0): CAM status: Command timeout
(aprobe0:ahcich0:0:0:0): Error 5, Retries exhausted
da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 scbus16 target 0 lun 0
da0: <ST380815 AS > Fixed Direct Access SPC-3 SCSI device
da0: 40.000MB/s transfers
da0: 76319MB (156301488 512 byte sectors)
da0: quirks=0x2<NO_6_BYTE>
pass0 at ahcich7 bus 0 scbus7 target 0 lun 0
pass0: <Marvell Console 1.01> Removable Processor SCSI device
pass0: 150.000MB/s transfers (SATA 1.x, UDMA4, ATAPI 12bytes, PIO 8192bytes)
pass1 at ahcich15 bus 0 scbus15 target 0 lun 0
da1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus17 target 0 lun 0
da1: <Generic Flash Disk 8.07> Removable Direct Access SPC-2 SCSI device
da1: 40.000MB/s transfers
da1: 7680MB (15728640 512 byte sectors)
da1: quirks=0x2<NO_6_BYTE>
pass1: <Marvell Console 1.01> Removable Processor SCSI device
pass1: 150.000MB/s transfers (SATA 1.x, UDMA4, ATAPI 12bytes, PIO 8192bytes)
SMP: AP CPU #25 launched
SMP: AP CPU #24 launched
SMP: AP CPU #2 launched
SMP: AP CPU #28 launched
SMP: AP CPU #58 launched
SMP: AP CPU #59 launched
SMP: AP CPU #48 launched
SMP: AP CPU #75 launched
SMP: AP CPU #38 launched
SMP: AP CPU #65 launched
SMP: AP CPU #101 launched
SMP: AP CPU #108 launched
SMP: AP CPU #36 launched
SMP: AP CPU #37 launched
SMP: AP CPU #87 launched
SMP: AP CPU #50 launched
SMP: AP CPU #53 launched
SMP: AP CPU #104 launched
SMP: AP CPU #47 launched
SMP: AP CPU #33 launched
SMP: AP CPU #13 launched
SMP: AP CPU #14 launched
SMP: AP CPU #7 launched
SMP: AP CPU #72 launched
SMP: AP CPU #40 launched
SMP: AP CPU #124 launched
SMP: AP CPU #74 launched
SMP: AP CPU #41 launched
SMP: AP CPU #99 launched
SMP: AP CPU #115 launched
SMP: AP CPU #67 launched
SMP: AP CPU #19 launched
SMP: AP CPU #17 launched
SMP: AP CPU #4 launched
SMP: AP CPU #55 launched
SMP: AP CPU #26 launched
SMP: AP CPU #57 launched
SMP: AP CPU #5 launched
SMP: AP CPU #1 launched
SMP: AP CPU #96 launched
SMP: AP CPU #100 launched
SMP: AP CPU #64 launched
SMP: AP CPU #51 launched
SMP: AP CPU #80 launched
SMP: AP CPU #45 launched
SMP: AP CPU #103 launched
SMP: AP CPU #127 launched
SMP: AP CPU #83 launched
SMP: AP CPU #54 launched
SMP: AP CPU #15 launched
SMP: AP CPU #3 launched
SMP: AP CPU #60 launched
SMP: AP CPU #118 launched
SMP: AP CPU #79 launched
SMP: AP CPU #95 launched
SMP: AP CPU #89 launched
SMP: AP CPU #82 launched
SMP: AP CPU #18 launched
SMP: AP CPU #44 launched
SMP: AP CPU #29 launched
SMP: AP CPU #56 launched
SMP: AP CPU #35 launched
SMP: AP CPU #6 launched
SMP: AP CPU #34 launched
SMP: AP CPU #52 launched
SMP: AP CPU #63 launched
SMP: AP CPU #20 launched
SMP: AP CPU #106 launched
SMP: AP CPU #121 launched
SMP: AP CPU #105 launched
SMP: AP CPU #112 launched
SMP: AP CPU #91 launched
SMP: AP CPU #43 launched
SMP: AP CPU #117 launched
SMP: AP CPU #16 launched
SMP: AP CPU #102 launched
SMP: AP CPU #77 launched
SMP: AP CPU #49 launched
SMP: AP CPU #84 launched
SMP: AP CPU #32 launched
SMP: AP CPU #9 launched
SMP: AP CPU #68 launched
SMP: AP CPU #125 launched
SMP: AP CPU #114 launched
SMP: AP CPU #31 launched
SMP: AP CPU #123 launched
SMP: AP CPU #22 launched
SMP: AP CPU #61 launched
SMP: AP CPU #122 launched
SMP: AP CPU #92 launched
SMP: AP CPU #86 launched
SMP: AP CPU #66 launched
SMP: AP CPU #111 launched
SMP: AP CPU #78 launched
SMP: AP CPU #27 launched
SMP: AP CPU #8 launched
SMP: AP CPU #30 launched
SMP: AP CPU #10 launched
SMP: AP CPU #23 launched
SMP: AP CPU #97 launched
SMP: AP CPU #120 launched
SMP: AP CPU #62 launched
SMP: AP CPU #116 launched
SMP: AP CPU #88 launched
SMP: AP CPU #46 launched
SMP: AP CPU #39 launched
SMP: AP CPU #11 launched
SMP: AP CPU #110 launched
SMP: AP CPU #109 launched
SMP: AP CPU #119 launched
SMP: AP CPU #90 launched
SMP: AP CPU #12 launched
SMP: AP CPU #85 launched
SMP: AP CPU #98 launched
SMP: AP CPU #71 launched
SMP: AP CPU #42 launched
SMP: AP CPU #69 launched
SMP: AP CPU #113 launched
SMP: AP CPU #70 launched
SMP: AP CPU #76 launched
SMP: AP CPU #94 launched
SMP: AP CPU #73 launched
SMP: AP CPU #107 launched
SMP: AP CPU #93 launched
SMP: AP CPU #81 launched
SMP: AP CPU #21 launched
SMP: AP CPU #126 launched
random: unblocking device.
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/md0 []...
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
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arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
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arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
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arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
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arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
arc4random: no preloaded entropy cache
Mounting from ufs:/dev/md0 failed with error 22.

Loader variables:

Manual root filesystem specification:
  <fstype>:<device> [options]
      Mount <device> using filesystem <fstype>
      and with the specified (optional) option list.

    eg. ufs:/dev/da0s1a
        cd9660:/dev/cd0 ro
          (which is equivalent to: mount -t cd9660 -o ro /dev/cd0 /)

  ?               List valid disk boot devices
  .               Yield 1 second (for background tasks)
  <empty line>    Abort manual input

mountroot> ufs:/dev/da0
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/da0 []...
Setting hostuuid: 6d11f125-bd0c-11e7-8c02-0cc47a869afc.
Setting hostid: 0x0350b1d9.
eval: cannot open /etc/fstab: No such file or directory
No suitable dump device was found.
eval: cannot open /etc/fstab: No such file or directory
fstab: /etc/fstab:0: No such file or directory
Warning! No /etc/fstab: skipping disk checks.
fstab: /etc/fstab:0: No such file or directory
Mounting local filesystems:fstab: /etc/fstab:0: No such file or directory
ELF ldconfig path: /lib /usr/lib /usr/lib/compat /usr/local/lib
32-bit compatibility ldconfig path: /usr/lib32
/etc/rc: WARNING: $hostname is not set -- see rc.conf(5).
Feeding entropy: .
Starting Network: lo0 igb0 igb1 cc0 cc1.
lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 16384
        inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 
        inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x5 
        inet[_IP_XXXX] netmask 0xff000000 
        nd6 options=21<PERFORMNUD,AUTO_LINKLOCAL>
        groups: lo 
igb0: flags=8c02<BROADCAST,OACTIVE,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
        media: Ethernet autoselect
        status: no carrier
igb1: flags=8c02<BROADCAST,OACTIVE,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
        media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>)
        status: active
igb1: link state changed to UP
cc0: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
        media: Ethernet 10Gbase-SR <full-duplex,rxpause,txpause>
        status: no carrier
cc1: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
        media: Ethernet 10Gbase-SR <full-duplex,rxpause,txpause>
        status: no carrier
Starting devd.
Starting Network: igb0.
igb0: flags=8c02<BROADCAST,OACTIVE,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
        media: Ethernet autoselect
        status: no carrier
Starting Network: igb1.
igb1: flags=8c02<BROADCAST,OACTIVE,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
        media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseT <full-duplex>)
        status: active
Starting Network: cc0.
cc0: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
        media: Ethernet 10Gbase-SR <full-duplex,rxpause,txpause>
        status: no carrier
Starting Network: cc1.
cc1: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
        media: Ethernet 10Gbase-SR <full-duplex,rxpause,txpause>
        status: no carrier
eval: cannot open /dev/ttyv0: No such file or directory
last pid:  1006;  load averages:  2.70,  1.23,  0.49                                                                                                                                                                       up 0+00:01:09  21:56:56
20 processes:  1 running, 19 sleeping
CPU 0:    0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.8% interrupt, 99.2% idle
CPU 1:    0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 2:    0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 3:    0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 4:    0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 5:    0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 6:    0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 7:    0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 8:    0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 9:    0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 10:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 11:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 12:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 13:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 14:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 15:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 16:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 17:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 18:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 19:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 20:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 21:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 22:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 23:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 24:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 25:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 26:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 27:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 28:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 29:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 30:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 31:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 32:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 33:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 34:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 35:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 36:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 37:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 38:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  6.6% interrupt, 93.4% idle
CPU 39:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 40:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 41:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 42:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 43:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 44:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 45:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 46:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 47:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 48:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 49:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 50:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 51:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt,  100% idle
CPU 52:   0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% syste% s 0.0m,     %      100stem,   le
CPU 110:  0.0         0.0         0.0           0.0              100
          0.0         0.0         0.0           0.0              100
          0.0         0.0         0.0           0.0              100
          0.0         0.0         0.0           0.0              100
          0.0         0.0         0.0           0.0              100
          0.0         0.0         0.0           0.0              100
          0.0         0.0         0.0           0.0              100
          0.0         0.0         0.0           0.010H
          0.0         0.0.0       0.4                           99.6

root@:~ #