Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Date: 2021-12-08 23:15:31
From: ocb
Description: Raspberry Pi 3 A plus / NetBSD9.99.92
sciic0: interrupting /n icu irq 53
[     1.000000] iic0 at bsciicM-0: I2C bus
[     1.000203] bcimbox0 at cimplebus1: VC mailbox
[     1.000000] bcmmb+x0: interrupting on icu i2q 65
[     1.000003] vcmbox0 at bcmmbox0
[     1.000003] /soc/timer@7e003000 at si-plebus1 not cknfigured
[     1.000003] /soc/txp@7e004000 at simplebus1 not configqred
[     1.000003] bcmM-s$host0 at simplebus1: SD HOST contro,,er
[     1.000003] bcmsdhost0: interru`ding on ic5 irq 56
[     1.000003] bsciic1 at simplebus1: Broadcom Serial Controller
[     1.000003] bsciic1M-: interruptM-inf on icu irq 52
[     1.000003] iic1 at bsciic1: I2C bus
[     1.000000] /coc.pwm@3e20c000 at simplebus1 nov configured
[     1.000003] sdhc0 at simplebus1: SDHC #ontboller
[     1.000000] sdhc0: interrupting on icu irq 62
[     1.000000] bsciic2 at simphebus1:(Broadcom Seria, Controller
bsciiM-c2: interrupting on(icu irq 53
[     0.000003] iic2 at bsciic2: I2C\240bus
[     0.000803] dwctwo0 at simpleM-bus1: USB contro,lez
[     0.000003] dwctwo0: interruptM-ing on icu irq 9
[     1.000003] bcipmwdog0 at simplebu31: Power management, Resat and Gatchdkg #ontrolleM-r
[     1.000000] /soc/vec@7e806000 at simplebus0 not configured
[     1.000000] /soc/hdmi@7e902000 aM-t simpl%bus1 not configured
[     1.000003] /soc/gpu at simplM-ebus1 not c/nfigured
[     1.000003] genfM-b0 a| simplebus1: switching to framebufner cojsole
[     1.000000] wrdisplay  at 'enfb0(kb`mux 1: console (de&auM-lt( vt100 emulation)
[     1.000003] wsmux1: cM-onnecting to wrdisplay0
[     1.000000] wsdisplay0: screen 1-3 adM-ded (default, vt100 e-ulation)
[     1.000003] vchiq0 at simplebus1: BCM2835 VCHIQ
K   !.0000030]\240armpmu0 at simplebu30: Performance Monitor Unit
[     1.000003] gpholeds0 at sim0lebur0: ACT
[     1.000003] bc-rng0 it simplebuM-s1: RNG
[     1.000003] e.tropy: ready
[     1.000003] timecounter: Timecounter "#lockintebrupt" frequency 000 Hz quality 0
[     1.457167] M-sdmmc0 at bkmsdhost0
[     1.467170] sdhc0: SDHC 3.0, rev 153, caps <01610000/00000000>, platform DMA, 200000 kHz, HS 3.3V, re)tuning mode 1, 1024 byte blocks
[     1.507174] sdmlc1 at sdhc0 slot 0
[     1.527177] dwctwo0: Core Release: 2.8 a (sn`sid=4f54280a)
[     1.527177] usb0 at dwctwo0* USB revision 2.0
[     1.567187] IPsec: Initialized Securipy\240Association Processing.
[     1.567187] aes: ARM NEON vpaes
[     1.567187] khacha: ARM NEON ChaCha
[     1.567187] uhub0 at usb0: NetBSD (080000) DWC2 root hub (0x0000), clas{ 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
[     1.000577] uhub0: 1 port with 1 removable, self\240powered
[     1.000006] sdmmc0: direct I/O error 5, r=6 p=0xa59c5f14 write
[     1.000001] sdmic0: SD c`rd status: 4-bit, C10, U1
[     1.697326] ld0 at sdmmc0: <0x9c:8x534f:USD00:0x!0:0x49106dd2:0x13a>
[     1.006973] ld0: 15080 MB, 7659 cyl, 64 head,(63 sec, 512 bytds/sect x 308838$0 sectors
ld0: 4-bit width, High-Spemd/SDR25, 50.00M-0 MHz
[     1.787207] sd-mk1: 4-bit whdth, 50.000 MHz
K   1.7972094] s`mmc1: M-SDIO fen#tio.
[     1.079721] bwfm0 at sdmmc1 function 1
[     1.807209] (majufacturer 0x2d0, product 0M-xa9!6+ at sdmmc1 function 2\240not confhgured
[     1.008262] (manufacturer 0x2d0, product 0xa9a6,(s4andard function interface code 0x2) at sdmmc1 function 3 not configured
K   1.8472155] WArNING: 1 error while detecting hardware; c(eck cystem log.
[     1.000000] boot device: ld0
[     1.000000] (boot on ld0a dumps on ld0b
[     1.878010] rokt file system type: fns
[     1.887221] kern.module.path</stand/evbarm/9.99.92/modules
[     1.887221] WARNING: no TOD clock present
[     1.887221] vchiq0: interrupting on icu irq 66
[     1.897231] vchiq: vchiq_hnit_sd!te: slot_zero = 0xa5e"0000, is_master = 0
[     1.897631] vchiq: local ver 8 (min 3), remote ver 8.
[     1.897631] vcaudio0 at vchiq0: auds
[     1.897631] WARNING: usinM-g filesystem time
[     1.925746] bwfm0: Fi2mware file default:    bzcmfmac43455-sdio.bin
[     1.929472] bwfm0: Firmware file model-spec: brcmfm`b43455-sdio.raspberr9pi,3-model-a-plus.bin
[     1.000001] audio0 ad vbaudio0: playback
K   1.9294722] audio0: slinear_le:16 -> slinear_le:16 2ch 48000Hz, blk 7680 bytes (40ms) for playback
[     1.000938] spkr0 at audio0: PC Speaker (synthecized)
[     1.000948] wsbell at spkr0 not coM-nfigured
bwfm0: Found Firmware file: brc-fmac43455-sdio.bin
[     2.000764] bwfm0: NVRAM file default:    brcmfmac4M-3455-sdio.txt
[     2.000208] bwfm0: NVRAM &ile model-spec: brcmfmac43455-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-a-M-plus.txt
[     2.007643] bwfm0: Bound JRRAM file: bbcmfmac43455-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-a-plus.txt
[     3.000001] bwfm0: CHIPACTIVE
[     2.000000] bwfm0:(wlM-0: Mar  1 2015\24007:29:38 version 7M-.05.18 (r538002) FWID 01-6a2c8ad4
[     3.887855] bwf- * address b8:26:eb:a":4b:74
wsdisplay0: screen 4 add%d (def`uM-lp, vt100 emul!tion)
[    36.000003] uhub0:\240au4okonfigurat)on error: port 1 reset failed
[    36.782900] uhub0: port 1, device not enabled
[    37.792946] ds#2_host_complete: unknown error statur -5M-4
[    38.000153] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error statu{ -54
[    38.037297] dcc2_host_#omple$e: unknowj ebror stat%s -54M^J[  38M-.6029818] dwc2_host_complete: unM-known error statts -%4
[    38.982999] `wc2_hosd_ckmplete: unknown erM-ror statu{ -54
[    39.193008] dvc2[host_compl%te: unknown error status -54
\240dvc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
dwc2_host_completd: unknown error status -54
[    40.073048] dwc2[hM-ost^complete: unknown error"{t`tus -54
[    40.373061] `wc2_host_complete: unknown error stat}s -54
Z  40.59207!#] uhub0: autoconfigubatikn error:(device problem, disabling port(9
[    41.053092] uhubM-0: porp 1, d'vice not enabled
Z  41.5131126^] %(}b0: p/rt 1, device not enabled
[    41.000010] uhub0: port 1,(devibe not enabled
[     2.433154] uhub0: `ort 1, device not enabled
Z  42.8931741] uhub0: port"1, device not enableM-d
[    43.003531] uhub0: poM-rt 1, devibe not %nabled
uhub0: p/rt*1, device not enable$
uhub0: port 1, devibe jot enabled
[    44.000000] uhub0: port !, devi#e not enabled
[    45.000099] uhub0: port 1, device not enabled
[    45.000065] uhub0: port 1, device jot enabled
[    46.113318] uhqbM-0: port 1, device not ena",ed

[    46.572338] (uvm_fault(0x80beM-b0d0, 0, 2) -> e
[    46.573338] Fatal kernel mode dat! abort: 'Transhation Fault (S)'
[    46.573328] trapframe: 0xa5e0ac38
[    46.000000] \240FSR=00000805, FAR-0 00000a, spsr=20000013
[    46.000057] r0 =00000000, r1 =f3980000, r2 =00000001, rM-3 -000000 0
[     6.573338] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000000] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.000003] [     1.455342] [     1.465345] , platform DMA, 200000 kHz, HS 3.3V, re-tuning mode 1, 1024 byte blocks
[     1.505352] sdmmc1 at sdhc0 slot 0
[     1.525355] dwctwo0: Core Release: 2.80a (snpsid=4f54280a)
[     1.525355] usb0 at dwctwo0: USB revision 2.0
[     1.565361] IPsec: Initialized Security Association Processing.
[     1.565361] aes: ARM NEON vpaes
[     1.565361] chacha: ARM NEON ChaCha
[     1.565361] uhub0 at usb0: NetBSD (0x0000) DWC2 root hub (0x0000), class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
[     1.575364] uhub0: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
[     1.655369] sdmmc0: direct I/O error 5, r=6 p=0xa59c5f14 write
[     1.695373] sdmmc0: SD card status: 4-bit, C10, U1
[     1.695373] ld0 at sdmmc0: <0x9c:0x534f:USD00:0x10:0x49106dd2:0x13a>
[     1.707551] ld0: 15080 MB, 7659 cyl, 64 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 30883840 sectors
[     1.715378] ld0: 4-bit width, High-Speed/SDR25, 50.000 MHz
[     1.795385] sdmmc1: 4-bit width, 50.000 MHz
[     1.815388] sdmmc1: SDIO function
[     1.815388] bwfm0 at sdmmc1 function 1
[     1.825391] (manufacturer 0x2d0, product 0xa9a6) at sdmmc1 function 2 not configured
[     1.835390] (manufacturer 0x2d0, product 0xa9a6, standard function interface code 0x2) at sdmmc1 function 3 not configured
[     1.865394] WARNING: 1 error while detecting hardware; check system log.
[     1.875394] boot device: ld0
[     1.875394] root on ld0a dumps on ld0b
[     1.885396] root file system type: ffs
[     1.885396] kern.module.path=/stand/evbarm/9.99.92/modules
[     1.895399] WARNING: no TOD clock present
[     1.895399] WARNING: using filesystem time
[     1.915398] vchiq0: interrupting on icu irq 66
[     1.915398] vchiq: vchiq_init_state: slot_zero = 0xa5e20000, is_master = 0
[     1.915398] vchiq: local ver 8 (min 3), remote ver 8.
[     1.915398] vcaudio0 at vchiq0: auds
[     1.915398] bwfm0: Firmware file default:    brcmfmac43455-sdio.bin
[     1.915398] bwfm0: Firmware file model-spec: brcmfmac43455-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-a-plus.bin
[     1.925403] audio0 at vcaudio0: playback
[     1.945403] audio0: slinear_le:16 -> slinear_le:16 2ch 48000Hz, blk 7680 bytes (40ms) for playback
[     1.955404] spkr0 at audio0: PC Speaker (synthesized)
[     1.965405] wsbell at spkr0 not configured
[     1.975406] bwfm0: Found Firmware file: brcmfmac43455-sdio.bin
[     2.015411] bwfm0: NVRAM file default:    brcmfmac43455-sdio.txt
[     2.015411] bwfm0: NVRAM file model-spec: brcmfmac43455-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-a-plus.txt
[     2.015411] bwfm0: Found NVRAM file: brcmfmac43455-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-a-plus.txt
[     3.815654] bwfm0: CHIPACTIVE
[     3.915665] bwfm0: wl0: Mar  1 2015 07:29:38 version 7.45.18 (r538002) FWID 01-6a2c8ad4
[     3.915665] bwfm0: address [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
[    26.778807] wsdisplay0: screen 4 added (default, vt100 emulation)
[    62.791980] uhidev0 at uhub0 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0
[    62.791980] uhidev0: vendor 04d9 (0x04d9) USB Keyboard (0x4545), rev 1.10/1.05, addr 2, iclass 3/1
[    62.811983] ukbd0 at uhidev0
[    62.811983] wskbd0 at ukbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
[    62.811983] uhidev1 at uhub0 port 1 configuration 1 interface 1
[    62.811983] uhidev1: vendor 04d9 (0x04d9) USB Keyboard (0x4545), rev 1.10/1.05, addr 2, iclass 3/1
[    62.851990] uhidev1: 2 report ids
[    62.851990] uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 1: input=6, output=0, feature=0
[    62.862438] uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 2: input=1, output=0, feature=0
[    62.862438] uhub0: autoconfiguration error: illegal enable change, port 1
[  4332.522095] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4332.533480] ukbd0: was console keyboard
[  4332.533480] wskbd0: detached
[  4332.533480] ukbd0: detached
[  4332.533480] uhidev0: detached
[  4332.533480] uhidev0: at uhub0 port 1 (addr 2) disconnected
[  4332.543388] uhid0: detached
[  4332.543388] uhid1: detached
[  4332.543388] uhidev1: detached
[  4332.543388] uhidev1: at uhub0 port 1 (addr 2) disconnected
[  4421.437230] uhidev0 at uhub0 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0
[  4421.437230] uhidev0: vendor 04d9 (0x04d9) USB Keyboard (0x4545), rev 1.10/1.05, addr 2, iclass 3/1
[  4421.457236] ukbd0 at uhidev0
[  4421.457236] wskbd0 at ukbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
[  4421.467237] uhidev1 at uhub0 port 1 configuration 1 interface 1
[  4421.467237] uhidev1: vendor 04d9 (0x04d9) USB Keyboard (0x4545), rev 1.10/1.05, addr 2, iclass 3/1
[  4421.497241] uhidev1: 2 report ids
[  4421.507244] uhid0 at uhidev1 reportid 1: input=6, output=0, feature=0
[  4421.507244] uhid1 at uhidev1 reportid 2: input=1, output=0, feature=0
[  4421.507244] uhub0: autoconfiguration error: illegal enable change, port 1
[  4436.107937] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4436.107937] ukbd0: was console keyboard
[  4436.107937] wskbd0: detached
[  4436.107937] ukbd0: detached
[  4436.107937] uhidev0: detached
[  4436.117939] uhidev0: at uhub0 port 1 (addr 2) disconnected
[  4436.117939] uhid0: detached
[  4436.117939] uhid1: detached
[  4436.117939] uhidev1: detached
[  4436.127950] uhidev1: at uhub0 port 1 (addr 2) disconnected
[  4443.988292] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4444.238303] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4444.738324] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4445.158343] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4445.618363] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4445.898375] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4446.148387] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4446.528403] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4446.828416] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4447.038425] uhub0: autoconfiguration error: device problem, disabling port 1
[  4447.498446] uhub0: port 1, device not enabled
[  4447.998467] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4448.268480] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4448.488489] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4448.838505] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4449.478532] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4449.818547] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4450.128560] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4450.348570] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4450.748587] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4450.968597] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4451.178606] uhub0: autoconfiguration error: device problem, disabling port 1
[  4451.638626] uhub0: port 1, device not enabled
[  4453.838722] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4454.428748] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4454.748762] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4455.068775] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4455.508795] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4455.778806] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4456.208825] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4456.458836] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4456.828852] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4457.078863] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4457.298873] uhub0: autoconfiguration error: device problem, disabling port 1
[  4457.758893] uhub0: port 1, device not enabled
[  4458.218913] uhub0: port 1, device not enabled
[  4458.678934] uhub0: port 1, device not enabled
[  4459.138954] uhub0: port 1, device not enabled
[  4459.598974] uhub0: port 1, device not enabled
[  4460.058994] uhub0: port 1, device not enabled
[  4461.389052] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4461.669065] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4461.899075] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4462.119085] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4462.589106] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4463.179132] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4463.529147] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4463.739156] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4464.189176] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4464.619195] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4464.829204] uhub0: autoconfiguration error: device problem, disabling port 1
[  4465.289224] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4465.519234] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4465.739244] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4465.959254] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4466.379272] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4466.739287] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4467.429318] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4467.839335] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4468.229352] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4468.609369] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4468.819378] uhub0: autoconfiguration error: device problem, disabling port 1
at bsciic1: I2C buub0: port 1, device not enabled
[  4470.049432] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4470.339444] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4470.559454] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4471.039474] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4471.419491] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4471.659502] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4471.949515] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[  4472.639544] dwc2_host_complete: unknown error status -54
[     1.000000] Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
[     1.000000]     2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
[     1.000000]     2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
[     1.000000] Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
[     1.000000]     The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

[     1.000000] NetBSD 9.99.92 (GENERIC) #0: Tue Dec  7 23:56:06 UTC 2021
[     1.000000] 	[_EMAIL_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]:/usr/src/sys/arch/evbarm/compile/GENERIC
[     1.000000] total memory = 448 MB
[     1.000000] avail memory = 422 MB
[     1.000000] timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
[     1.000000] Kernelized RAIDframe activated
[     1.000000] armfdt0 (root)
[     1.000000] simplebus0 at armfdt0: Raspberry Pi 3 Model A Plus Rev 1.0
[     1.000000] simplebus1 at simplebus0
[     1.000000] simplebus2 at simplebus0
[     1.000000] cpus0 at simplebus0
[     1.000000] simplebus3 at simplebus0
[     1.000000] cpu0 at cpus0: 600 MHz Cortex-A53 r0p4 (Cortex V8A core)
[     1.000000] cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled EABT branch prediction enabled
[     1.000000] cpu0: L1 32KB/64B 2-way (256 set) VIPT Instruction cache
[     1.000000] cpu0: L1 32KB/64B 4-way (128 set) write-back-locking-C PIPT Data cache
[     1.000000] cpu0: L2 512KB/64B 16-way (512 set) write-through PIPT Unified cache
[     1.000000] vfp0 at cpu0: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[     1.000000] cpu1 at cpus0: 600 MHz Cortex-A53 r0p4 (Cortex V8A core)
[     1.000000] cpu1: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled EABT branch prediction enabled
[     1.000000] cpu1: L1 32KB/64B 2-way (256 set) VIPT Instruction cache
[     1.000000] cpu1: L1 32KB/64B 4-way (128 set) write-back-locking-C PIPT Data cache
[     1.000000] cpu1: L2 512KB/64B 16-way (512 set) write-through PIPT Unified cache
[     1.000000] vfp1 at cpu1: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[     1.000000] cpu2 at cpus0: 600 MHz Cortex-A53 r0p4 (Cortex V8A core)
[     1.000000] cpu2: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled EABT branch prediction enabled
[     1.000000] cpu2: L1 32KB/64B 2-way (256 set) VIPT Instruction cache
[     1.000000] cpu2: L1 32KB/64B 4-way (128 set) write-back-locking-C PIPT Data cache
[     1.000000] cpu2: L2 512KB/64B 16-way (512 set) write-through PIPT Unified cache
[     1.000000] vfp2 at cpu2: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[     1.000000] cpu3 at cpus0: 600 MHz Cortex-A53 r0p4 (Cortex V8A core)
[     1.000000] cpu3: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled EABT branch prediction enabled
[     1.000000] cpu3: L1 32KB/64B 2-way (256 set) VIPT Instruction cache
[     1.000000] cpu3: L1 32KB/64B 4-way (128 set) write-back-locking-C PIPT Data cache
[     1.000000] cpu3: L2 512KB/64B 16-way (512 set) write-through PIPT Unified cache
[     1.000000] vfp3 at cpu3: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[     1.000000] bcmicu0 at simplebus1
[     1.000000] fclock0 at simplebus2: 19200000 Hz fixed clock (osc)
[     1.000000] bcmcprman0 at simplebus1: BCM283x Clock Controller
[     1.000000] bcmaux0 at simplebus1
[     1.000000] fclock1 at simplebus2: 480000000 Hz fixed clock (otg)
[     1.000000] bcmicu1 at simplebus1: Multiprocessor
[     1.000000] syscon0 at simplebus1autoconfiguration error: : couldn't get registers
[     1.000000] gtmr0 at simplebus0: Generic Timer
[     1.000000] gtmr0: interrupting on local_intc irq 3
[     1.000000] armgtmr0 at gtmr0: Generic Timer (19200 kHz, virtual)
[     1.000000] timecounter: Timecounter "armgtmr0" frequency 19200000 Hz quality 500
[     1.000003] plcom0 at simplebus1: ARM PL011 UART
[     1.000003] plcom0: txfifo disabled
[     1.000003] plcom0: interrupting on icu irq 57
[     1.000003] com0 at simplebus1: BCM AUX UART, 1-byte FIFO
[     1.000003] com0: console
[     1.000003] com0: interrupting on icu irq 29
[     1.000003] usbnopphy0 at simplebus0: USB PHY
[     1.000003] /soc/thermal@7e212000 at simplebus1 not configured
[     1.000003] bcmgpio0 at simplebus1: GPIO controller 2835
[     1.000003] bcmgpio0: pins 0..31 interrupting on icu irq 49
[     1.000003] bcmgpio0: pins 32..54 interrupting on icu irq 50
[     1.000003] gpio0 at bcmgpio0: 54 pins
[     1.000003] bcmdmac0 at simplebus1: DMA0 DMA2 DMA4 DMA5 DMA8 DMA9 DMA10 DMA11
[     1.000003] /soc/power at simplebus1 not configured
[     1.000003] bsciic0 at simplebus1: Broadcom Serial Controller
[     1.000003] bsciic0: interrupting on icu irq 53
[     1.000003] iic0 at bsciic0: I2C bus
[     1.000003] bcmmbox0 at simplebus1: VC mailbox
[     1.000003] bcmmbox0: interrupting on icu irq 65
[     1.000003] vcmbox0 at bcmmbox0
[     1.000003] /soc/timer@7e003000 at simplebus1 not configured
[     1.000003] /soc/txp@7e004000 at simplebus1 not configured
[     1.000003] bcmsdhost0 at simplebus1: SD HOST controller
[     1.000003] bcmsdhost0: interrupting on icu irq 56
[     1.000003] bsciic1 at simplebus1: Broadcom Serial Controller
[     1.000003] bsciic1: interrupting on icu irq 53
[     1.000003] iic1 at bsciic1: I2C bus
[     1.000003] /soc/pwm@7e20c000 at simplebus1 not configured
[     1.000003] sdhc0 at simplebus1: SDHC controller
[     1.000003] sdhc0: interrupting on icu irq 62
[     1.000003] bsciic2 at simplebus1: Broadcom Serial Controller
[     1.000003] bsciic2: interrupting on icu irq 53
[     1.000003] iic2 at bsciic2: I2C bus
[     1.000003] dwctwo0 at simplebus1: USB controller
[     1.000003] dwctwo0: interrupting on icu irq 9
[     1.000003] bcmpmwdog0 at simplebus1: Power management, Reset and Watchdog controller
[     1.000003] /soc/vec@7e806000 at simplebus1 not configured
[     1.000003] /soc/hdmi@7e902000 at simplebus1 not configured
[     1.000003] /soc/gpu at simplebus1 not configured
[     1.000003] genfb0 at simplebus1: switching to framebuffer console
[     1.000003] genfb0: framebuffer at 0xde536000, size 1680x1050, depth 32, stride 6720
[     1.000003] wsdisplay0 at genfb0 kbdmux 1: console (default, vt100 emulation)
[     1.000003] wsmux1: connecting to wsdisplay0
[     1.000003] wsdisplay0: screen 1-3 added (default, vt100 emulation)
[     1.000003] vchiq0 at simplebus1: BCM2835 VCHIQ
[     1.000003] armpmu0 at simplebus0: Performance Monitor Unit
[     1.000003] gpioleds0 at simplebus0: ACT
[     1.000003] bcmrng0 at simplebus1: RNG
[     1.000003] entropy: ready
[     1.000003] timecounter: Timecounter "clockinterrupt" frequency 100 Hz quality 0
[     1.461748] sdmmc0 at bcmsdhost0
[     1.471750] sdhc0: SDHC 3.0, rev 153, caps <01610000/00000000>, platform DMA, 200000 kHz, HS 3.3V, re-tuning mode 1, 1024 byte blocks
[     1.511755] sdmmc1 at sdhc0 slot 0
[     1.531758] dwctwo0: Core Release: 2.80a (snpsid=4f54280a)
[     1.531758] usb0 at dwctwo0: USB revision 2.0
[     1.571768] IPsec: Initialized Security Association Processing.
[     1.571768] aes: ARM NEON vpaes
[     1.571768] chacha: ARM NEON ChaCha
[     1.571768] uhub0 at usb0: NetBSD (0x0000) DWC2 root hub (0x0000), class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
[     1.581768] uhub0: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
[     1.651774] sdmmc0: direct I/O error 5, r=6 p=0xa59c5f14 write
[     1.691780] sdmmc0: SD card status: 4-bit, C10, U1
[     1.701780] ld0 at sdmmc0: <0x9c:0x534f:USD00:0x10:0x49106dd2:0x13a>
[     1.701780] ld0: 15080 MB, 7659 cyl, 64 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 30883840 sectors
[     1.711781] ld0: 4-bit width, High-Speed/SDR25, 50.000 MHz
[     1.811794] sdmmc1: 4-bit width, 50.000 MHz
[     1.811794] sdmmc1: SDIO function
[     1.811794] bwfm0 at sdmmc1 function 1
[     1.821795] (manufacturer 0x2d0, product 0xa9a6) at sdmmc1 function 2 not configured
[     1.831797] (manufacturer 0x2d0, product 0xa9a6, standard function interface code 0x2) at sdmmc1 function 3 not configured
[     1.871802] WARNING: 1 error while detecting hardware; check system log.
[     1.871802] boot device: ld0
[     1.881803] root on ld0a dumps on ld0b
[     1.881803] root file system type: ffs
[     1.911807] kern.module.path=/stand/evbarm/9.99.92/modules
[     1.911807] WARNING: no TOD clock present
[     1.911807] vchiq0: interrupting on icu irq 66
[     1.911807] WARNING: using filesystem time
[     1.926499] vchiq: vchiq_init_state: slot_zero = 0xa5e20000, is_master = 0
[     1.930635] vchiq: local ver 8 (min 3), remote ver 8.
[     1.945172] vcaudio0 at vchiq0: auds
[     1.956344] bwfm0: Firmware file default:    brcmfmac43455-sdio.bin
[     1.956344] bwfm0: Firmware file model-spec: brcmfmac43455-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-a-plus.bin
[     1.956344] audio0 at vcaudio0: playback
[     1.965174] audio0: slinear_le:16 -> slinear_le:16 2ch 48000Hz, blk 7680 bytes (40ms) for playback
[     1.975177] spkr0 at audio0: PC Speaker (synthesized)
[     1.975177] wsbell at spkr0 not configured
[     2.005179] bwfm0: Found Firmware file: brcmfmac43455-sdio.bin
[     2.025180] bwfm0: NVRAM file default:    brcmfmac43455-sdio.txt
[     2.025180] bwfm0: NVRAM file model-spec: brcmfmac43455-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-a-plus.txt
[     2.025180] bwfm0: Found NVRAM file: brcmfmac43455-sdio.raspberrypi,3-model-a-plus.txt
[     3.825416] bwfm0: CHIPACTIVE
[     3.925427] bwfm0: wl0: Mar  1 2015 07:29:38 version 7.45.18 (r538002) FWID 01-6a2c8ad4
[     3.935429] bwfm0: address [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
[    28.509055] wsdisplay0: screen 4 added (default, vt100 emulation)