Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Date: 2023-02-23 09:34:20
From: [tj]
Description: FreeBSD 1.0 i386DX
FreeBSD 1.0.2 (GENERICAH) #0: Sun Nov 14 18:22:24 PST 1993
CPU: i386DX (386-class CPU)
real mem  = 38006784
avail mem = 35909632
using 819 buffers containing 6709248 bytes of memory
Probing for devices on the ISA bus:
pc0 at 0x60-0x6f irq 1 on motherboard
pc0: type color
sio0 at 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on isa
sio0: type <16450>
sio1 at 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on isa
sio1: type <16450>
sio2 not found at 0x3e8
sio3 not found at 0x2e8
lpt0 not found at 0x3bc
lpa0 at 0x378-0x37f on isa
lpa1 not found at 0x278
fd0 at 0x3f0-0x3f7 irq 6 drq 2 on isa
fd0: unit 0 type 1.44MB 3.5in
wd0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7 irq 14 on isa
wd0: unit 0 type SMART CF
ahb0 not found
aha0 not found at 0x330
wt0 not found at 0x300
mcd0 not found at 0x300
ed0 at 0x280-0x28f irq 5 maddr 0xd8000 msize 8192 on isa
ed0: address [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX], type 3c503 (16 bit) 
ed1 not probed due to maddr conflict with ed0 at 0xd8000
ed1 not probed due to irq conflict with ed0 at 5
ie0 not found at 0x360
is0 not probed due to I/O address conflict with ed0 at 0x280
npx0 on motherboard
npx0: 387 Emulator
biomask 4040 ttymask 3a netmask 3a
ISA strayintr 7