Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Date: 2024-09-21 05:42:19
From: Klaus
Description: Rock64 Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
GDB: debug ports: uart
GDB: current port: uart
KDB: debugger backends: ddb gdb
KDB: current backend: ddb
                   Type     Physical      Virtual   #Pages Attr
     ConventionalMemory 000000200000 000000200000 000f3c06 WB 
             LoaderData 0000f3e06000 0000f3e06000 00000001 WB 
             LoaderCode 0000f3e07000 0000f3e07000 00004000 WB 
             LoaderData 0000f7e07000 0000f7e07000 00004000 WB 
             LoaderCode 0000fbe07000 0000fbe07000 000000d0 WB 
       BootServicesData 0000fbed7000 0000fbed7000 00000004 WB 
      ACPIReclaimMemory 0000fbedb000 0000fbedb000 00000010 WB 
       BootServicesData 0000fbeeb000 0000fbeeb000 00000004 WB 
    RuntimeServicesData 0000fbeef000 0000fbeef000 00000001 WB RUNTIME
       BootServicesData 0000fbef0000 0000fbef0000 00000001 WB 
    RuntimeServicesData 0000fbef1000 0000fbef1000 00000022 WB RUNTIME
       BootServicesData 0000fbf13000 0000fbf13000 0000000f WB 
       BootServicesCode 0000fbf22000 0000fbf22000 0000102c WB 
    RuntimeServicesData 0000fcf4e000 0000fcf4e000 00000001 WB RUNTIME
       BootServicesCode 0000fcf4f000 0000fcf4f000 00001fe1 WB 
    RuntimeServicesCode 0000fef30000 0000fef30000 00000010 WB RUNTIME
       BootServicesCode 0000fef40000 0000fef40000 000000c0 WB 
Physical memory chunk(s):
  0x00200000 - 0xfeffffff,  4078 MB (1043968 pages)
Excluded memory regions:
  0xf4000000 - 0xf5746fff,    23 MB (   5959 pages) NoAlloc 
  0xfbedb000 - 0xfbeeafff,     0 MB (     16 pages) NoAlloc 
  0xfbeef000 - 0xfbeeffff,     0 MB (      1 pages) NoAlloc 
  0xfbef1000 - 0xfbf12fff,     0 MB (     34 pages) NoAlloc 
  0xfcf4e000 - 0xfcf4efff,     0 MB (      1 pages) NoAlloc 
  0xfef30000 - 0xfef3ffff,     0 MB (     16 pages) NoAlloc 
Found 4 CPUs in the device tree
Copyright (c) 1992-2024 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
        The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT #0 main-n272286-ce9c3abf69c2: Thu Sep 19 06:30:57 UTC 2024
    [_EMAIL_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]:/usr/obj/usr/src/arm64.aarch64/sys/GENERIC arm64
FreeBSD clang version 18.1.6 ( llvmorg-18.1.6-0-g1118c2e05e67)
WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
VT: init without driver.
Preloaded elf kernel "/boot/kernel/kernel" at 0xffff000001507000.
Preloaded hostuuid "/etc/hostid" at 0xffff000001510298.
Preloaded boot_entropy_cache "/boot/entropy" at 0xffff0000015102e8.
Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/umodem.ko" at 0xffff000001510340.
Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/ucom.ko" at 0xffff000001510b58.
Preloaded boot_entropy_platform "efi_rng_seed" at 0xffff0000015113b0.
Preloaded TSLOG data "TSLOG" at 0xffff000001511408.
module scmi already present!
real memory  = 4276092928 (4078 MB)
Physical memory chunk(s):
0x00000000200000 - 0x000000ed8c5fff, 3983302656 bytes (972486 pages)
0x000000f5747000 - 0x000000fbedafff, 108609536 bytes (26516 pages)
0x000000fbeeb000 - 0x000000fbeeefff, 16384 bytes (4 pages)
0x000000fbef0000 - 0x000000fbef0fff, 4096 bytes (1 pages)
0x000000fbf13000 - 0x000000fcf4dfff, 17018880 bytes (4155 pages)
0x000000fcf4f000 - 0x000000fef2ffff, 33427456 bytes (8161 pages)
0x000000fef40000 - 0x000000feffffff, 786432 bytes (192 pages)
avail memory = 4139126784 (3947 MB)
Starting CPU 1 (1)
Starting CPU 2 (2)
Starting CPU 3 (3)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 4 CPUs
random: read 4096 bytes from preloaded cache
random: read 2048 bytes from platform bootloader
random: unblocking device.
VIMAGE (virtualized network stack) enabled
hostuuid: using 37316433-3437-3062-3162-313663326438
ULE: setup cpu 0
ULE: setup cpu 1
ULE: setup cpu 2
ULE: setup cpu 3
random: entropy device external interface
feeder_register: snd_unit=-1 snd_maxautovchans=16 latency=2 feeder_rate_min=1 feeder_rate_max=2016000 feeder_rate_round=25
firmware: 'tegra210_xusb_fw' version 0: 132608 bytes loaded at 0xffff000000b2a350
MAP fbeef000 mode 2 pages 1
MAP fbef1000 mode 2 pages 34
MAP fcf4e000 mode 2 pages 1
MAP fef30000 mode 2 pages 16
kbd0 at kbdmux0
mem: <memory>
null: <full device, null device, zero device>
openfirm: <Open Firmware control device>
tcp_log: tcp_log device
crypto: <crypto core>
ofwbus0: <Open Firmware Device Tree>
clk_fixed0: <Fixed clock> on ofwbus0
Clock: xin24m, parent: none, freq: 24000000
rk_grf0: <RockChip General Register Files> mem 0xff100000-0xff100fff on ofwbus0
rk3328_cru0: <Rockchip RK3328 Clock and Reset Unit> mem 0xff440000-0xff440fff on ofwbus0
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: gmac_clkin
Cannot get frequency for clk: gmac_clkin, error: 9
Clock: gmac_clkin, error getting frequency: 9
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
Clock: hdmi_phy, error getting frequency: 9
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: usb480m_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: usb480m_phy, error: 9
Clock: usb480m_phy, error getting frequency: 9
Clock: xin12m, parent: none, freq: 12000000
Clock: phy_50m_out, parent: none, freq: 50000000
Clock: clkin_i2s1, parent: none, freq: 0
Clock: clkin_i2s2, parent: none, freq: 0
Clock: apll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 600000000
Clock: dpll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 1596000000
Clock: cpll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 594000000
Clock: gpll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 576000000
Clock: npll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 800000000
Clock: armclk, parent: apll(0), freq: 600000000
Clock: hdmiphy, parent: xin24m(1), freq: 24000000
Clock: usb480m, parent: xin24m(1), freq: 24000000
Clock: aclk_bus_pre_c, parent: gpll(1), freq: 96000000
Clock: hclk_bus_pre_c, parent: aclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_bus_pre_c, parent: aclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: clk_otp_c, parent: xin24m(2), freq: 24000000
Clock: clk_efuse_c, parent: xin24m(2), freq: 12000000
Clock: clk_i2s0_mux, parent: clk_i2s0_div(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s0_div_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s0_frac_f, parent: clk_i2s0_div(0), freq: 1856250
Clock: clk_i2s1_mux, parent: clk_i2s1_div(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s1_div_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s1_frac_f, parent: clk_i2s1_div(0), freq: 1856250
Clock: clk_i2s2_mux, parent: clk_i2s2_div(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s2_div_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s2_frac_f, parent: clk_i2s2_div(0), freq: 1856250
Clock: clk_spdif_pll, parent: cpll(0), freq: 594000000
Clock: clk_spdif, parent: clk_spdif_div(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_spdif_div_c, parent: clk_spdif_pll(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_spdif_frac_f, parent: clk_spdif(0), freq: 1856250
Clock: clk_uart0_pll, parent: cpll(0), freq: 594000000
Clock: clk_uart0, parent: clk_uart0_div(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_uart0_div_c, parent: clk_uart0_pll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_uart0_frac_f, parent: clk_uart0_pll(0), freq: 29700000
Clock: clk_uart1_pll, parent: cpll(0), freq: 594000000
Clock: clk_uart1, parent: clk_uart1_div(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_uart1_div_c, parent: clk_uart1_pll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_uart1_frac_f, parent: clk_uart1_pll(0), freq: 29700000
Clock: clk_uart2_pll, parent: cpll(0), freq: 594000000
Clock: clk_uart2, parent: xin24m(2), freq: 24000000
Clock: clk_uart2_div_c, parent: clk_uart2_pll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_uart2_frac_f, parent: clk_uart2_pll(0), freq: 29700000
Clock: clk_pdm_c, parent: apll(2), freq: 37500000
Clock: clk_crypto_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 118800000
Clock: clk_tsp_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 118800000
Clock: clk_tsadc_c, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 49896
Clock: clk_saradc_c, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 49896
Clock: clk_pwm_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_spi_c, parent: gpll(1), freq: 18000000
Clock: aclk_gmac_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: pclk_gmac_c, parent: pclk_gmac(0), freq: 24750000
Clock: clk_mac2phy_out_c, parent: clk_mac2phy(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_mac2phy_src_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_mac2io_src_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 99000000
Clock: clk_mac2io_out_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: aclk_peri_pre, parent: gpll(1), freq: 144000000
Clock: pclk_peri_c, parent: aclk_peri_pre(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: hclk_peri_c, parent: aclk_peri_pre(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: clk_sdmmc_c, parent: gpll(1), freq: 96000000
Clock: clk_sdio_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: clk_emmc_c, parent: xin24m(2), freq: 800000
Clock: clk_usb3otg_suspend_c, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 30769
Clock: clk_i2c0_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_i2c1_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_i2c2_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_i2c3_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: aclk_rga_pre_c, parent: gpll(1), freq: 192000000
Clock: sclk_rga_c, parent: gpll(1), freq: 192000000
Clock: aclk_vio_pre_c, parent: gpll(1), freq: 192000000
Clock: hclk_vio_pre, parent: aclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: clk_rtc32k_c, parent: xin24m(3), freq: 32742
Clock: aclk_vop_pre_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: vop_dclk_src_c, parent: gpll(1), freq: 11520000
Clock: hdmiphy_div, parent: vop_dclk_src(0), freq: 3840000
Clock: vop_dclk, parent: vop_dclk_src(1), freq: 11520000
Clock: clk_cif_pll, parent: cpll(0), freq: 594000000
Clock: clk_cif_src_c, parent: clk_cif_pll(0), freq: 29700000
Clock: clk_sdmmc_ext_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: aclk_gpu_pre_c, parent: gpll(1), freq: 192000000
Clock: clk_ref_usb3otg, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 24000000
Clock: clk_ref_usb3otg_src_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 18562500
Clock: sclk_cabac_c, parent: gpll(1), freq: 192000000
Clock: aclk_rkvdec_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: sclk_vdec_core_c, parent: gpll(1), freq: 192000000
Clock: aclk_vpu_pre_c, parent: gpll(1), freq: 192000000
Clock: sclk_venc_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 198000000
Clock: aclk_rkvenc_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: sclk_venc_dsp_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 198000000
Clock: sclk_wifi_c, parent: cpll(0), freq: 148500000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: gmac_clkin
Cannot get frequency for clk: gmac_clkin, error: 9
Clock: clk_mac2io_ext, error getting frequency: 9
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: gmac_clkin
Cannot get frequency for clk: gmac_clkin, error: 9
Clock: clk_mac2io, error getting frequency: 9
Clock: clk_mac2phy, parent: clk_mac2phy_src(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: pclk_wdt, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: core_apll_clk, parent: apll(0), freq: 600000000
Clock: core_dpll_clk, parent: dpll(0), freq: 1596000000
Clock: core_gpll_clk, parent: gpll(0), freq: 576000000
Clock: sclk_wifi, parent: sclk_wifi_c(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: clk_rtc32k, parent: clk_rtc32k_c(0), freq: 32742
Clock: core_npll_clk, parent: npll(0), freq: 800000000
Clock: clk_i2s0_div, parent: clk_i2s0_div_c(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s0_frac, parent: clk_i2s0_frac_f(0), freq: 1856250
Clock: clk_i2s0, parent: clk_i2s0_mux(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s1_div, parent: clk_i2s1_div_c(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s1_frac, parent: clk_i2s1_frac_f(0), freq: 1856250
Clock: clk_i2s1, parent: clk_i2s1_mux(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s1_out, parent: clk_i2s1_mux(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s2_div, parent: clk_i2s2_div_c(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s2_frac, parent: clk_i2s2_frac_f(0), freq: 1856250
Clock: clk_i2s2, parent: clk_i2s2_mux(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_i2s2_out, parent: clk_i2s2_mux(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_spdif_div, parent: clk_spdif_div_c(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_spdif_frac, parent: clk_spdif_frac_f(0), freq: 1856250
Clock: clk_uart0_div, parent: clk_uart0_div_c(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_uart0_frac, parent: clk_uart0_frac_f(0), freq: 29700000
Clock: clk_uart1_div, parent: clk_uart1_div_c(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_uart1_frac, parent: clk_uart1_frac_f(0), freq: 29700000
Clock: clk_uart2_div, parent: clk_uart2_div_c(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_uart2_frac, parent: clk_uart2_frac_f(0), freq: 29700000
Clock: clk_crypto, parent: clk_crypto_c(0), freq: 118800000
Clock: clk_tsp, parent: clk_tsp_c(0), freq: 118800000
Clock: clk_tsadc_src, parent: clk_tsadc_c(0), freq: 49896
Clock: clk_spi, parent: clk_spi_c(0), freq: 18000000
Clock: clk_pwm, parent: clk_pwm_c(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_i2c0_src, parent: clk_i2c0_c(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_i2c1_src, parent: clk_i2c1_c(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_i2c2_src, parent: clk_i2c2_c(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_i2c3_src, parent: clk_i2c3_c(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_efuse, parent: clk_efuse_c(0), freq: 12000000
Clock: clk_saradc, parent: clk_saradc_c(0), freq: 49896
Clock: clk_pdm, parent: clk_pdm_c(0), freq: 37500000
Clock: clk_mac2phy_src, parent: clk_mac2phy_src_c(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_mac2io_src, parent: clk_mac2io_src_c(0), freq: 99000000
Clock: aclk_gmac, parent: aclk_gmac_c(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_mac2io_out, parent: clk_mac2io_out_c(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_otp, parent: clk_otp_c(0), freq: 24000000
Clock: periph_gclk_src, parent: gpll(0), freq: 576000000
Clock: periph_cclk_src, parent: cpll(0), freq: 594000000
Clock: hdmiphy_peri, parent: hdmiphy(0), freq: 24000000
Clock: clk_mmc0_src, parent: clk_sdmmc_c(0), freq: 96000000
Clock: clk_sdio_src, parent: clk_sdio_c(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: clk_emmc_src, parent: clk_emmc_c(0), freq: 800000
Clock: clk_ref_usb3otg_src, parent: clk_ref_usb3otg_src_c(0), freq: 18562500
Clock: clk_usb3_otg0_ref, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 24000000
Clock: clk_usb3otg_suspend, parent: clk_usb3otg_suspend_c(0), freq: 30769
Clock: clk_sdmmc_ext, parent: clk_sdmmc_ext_c(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: aclk_rga_pre, parent: aclk_rga_pre_c(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: sclk_rga, parent: sclk_rga_c(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: aclk_vio_pre, parent: aclk_vio_pre_c(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: clk_cif_src, parent: clk_cif_src_c(0), freq: 29700000
Clock: clk_hdmi_sfc, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 24000000
Clock: aclk_vop_pre, parent: aclk_vop_pre_c(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: vop_dclk_src, parent: vop_dclk_src_c(0), freq: 11520000
Clock: aclk_rkvdec_pre, parent: aclk_rkvdec_c(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: sclk_cabac, parent: sclk_cabac_c(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: sclk_vdec_core, parent: sclk_vdec_core_c(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: aclk_rkvenc, parent: aclk_rkvenc_c(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: sclk_venc, parent: sclk_venc_c(0), freq: 198000000
Clock: aclk_vpu_pre, parent: aclk_vpu_pre_c(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: aclk_gpu_pre, parent: aclk_gpu_pre_c(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: sclk_venc_dsp, parent: sclk_venc_dsp_c(0), freq: 198000000
Clock: aclk_bus_pre, parent: aclk_bus_pre_c(0), freq: 96000000
Clock: hclk_bus_pre, parent: hclk_bus_pre_c(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_bus_pre, parent: pclk_bus_pre_c(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_bus, parent: pclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_phy, parent: pclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: sclk_timer0, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 24000000
Clock: sclk_timer1, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 24000000
Clock: sclk_timer2, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 24000000
Clock: sclk_timer3, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 24000000
Clock: sclk_timer4, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 24000000
Clock: sclk_timer5, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 24000000
Clock: pclk_gmac, parent: aclk_gmac(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_gmac2phy_rx, parent: clk_mac2phy(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_mac2phy_out, parent: clk_mac2phy_out_c(0), freq: 37125000
Clock: clk_gmac2phy_ref, parent: clk_mac2phy(0), freq: 37125000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: gmac_clkin
Cannot get frequency for clk: gmac_clkin, error: 9
Clock: clk_gmac2io_rx, error getting frequency: 9
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: gmac_clkin
Cannot get frequency for clk: gmac_clkin, error: 9
Clock: clk_gmac2io_tx, error getting frequency: 9
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: gmac_clkin
Cannot get frequency for clk: gmac_clkin, error: 9
Clock: clk_gmac2io_refout, error getting frequency: 9
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: gmac_clkin
Cannot get frequency for clk: gmac_clkin, error: 9
Clock: clk_gmac2io_ref, error getting frequency: 9
Clock: aclk_peri, parent: aclk_peri_pre(0), freq: 144000000
Clock: hclk_peri, parent: hclk_peri_c(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: pclk_peri, parent: pclk_peri_c(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: hclk_rkvdec_pre, parent: aclk_rkvdec_pre(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: hclk_rkvenc, parent: aclk_rkvenc(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: hclk_vpu_pre, parent: aclk_vpu_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: aclk_gpu, parent: aclk_gpu_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: aclk_gpu_niu, parent: aclk_gpu_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: hclk_i2s0_8ch, parent: hclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: hclk_i2s1_8ch, parent: hclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: hclk_i2s2_2ch, parent: hclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: hclk_spdif_8ch, parent: hclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: hclk_crypto_mst, parent: hclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: hclk_crypto_slv, parent: hclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_efuse, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_i2c0, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: aclk_dcf, parent: aclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 96000000
Clock: aclk_bus_niu, parent: aclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 96000000
Clock: hclk_bus_niu, parent: hclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_bus_niu, parent: pclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_phy_niu, parent: pclk_phy(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_i2c1, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_i2c2, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_i2c3, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_timer0, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_stimer, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_spi, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_pwm, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_gpio0, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_gpio1, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_gpio2, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_gpio3, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_uart0, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_uart1, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_uart2, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_tsadc, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_dcf, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_grf, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_usb3grf, parent: pclk_phy(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_ddrphy, parent: pclk_phy(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_cru, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_acodecphy, parent: pclk_phy(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_sgrf, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_hdmiphy, parent: pclk_phy(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_vdacphy, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_sim, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: hclk_tsp, parent: hclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: aclk_tsp, parent: aclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 96000000
Clock: pclk_usb2grf, parent: pclk_phy(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_saradc, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: hclk_sdmmc, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: hclk_sdio, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: hclk_emmc, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: hclk_host0, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: hclk_host0_arg, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: hclk_otg, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: hclk_otg_pmu, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: aclk_peri_niu, parent: aclk_peri(0), freq: 144000000
Clock: hclk_peri_niu, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: pclk_peri_niu, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: aclk_usb3otg, parent: aclk_peri(0), freq: 144000000
Clock: hclk_sdmmc_ext, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 72000000
Clock: aclk_vop, parent: aclk_vop_pre(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: hclk_vop, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: aclk_vop_niu, parent: aclk_vop_pre(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: hclk_vop_niu, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: aclk_iep, parent: aclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: hclk_iep, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: aclk_cif, parent: aclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: hclk_cif, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: aclk_rga, parent: aclk_rga_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: hclk_rga, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: hclk_ahb1tom, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: pclk_vio_h2p, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: hclk_vio_h2p, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: aclk_hdcp, parent: aclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: hclk_hdcp, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: hclk_vio_niu, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: aclk_vio_niu, parent: aclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: aclk_rga_niu, parent: aclk_rga_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: pclk_hdmi, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: pclk_hdcp, parent: hclk_vio_pre(0), freq: 64000000
Clock: aclk_vpu, parent: aclk_vpu_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: hclk_vpu, parent: hclk_vpu_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: aclk_vpu_niu, parent: aclk_vpu_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: hclk_vpu_niu, parent: hclk_vpu_pre(0), freq: 192000000
Clock: aclk_rkvdec, parent: aclk_rkvdec_pre(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: hclk_rkvdec, parent: hclk_rkvdec_pre(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: aclk_rkvdec_niu, parent: aclk_rkvdec_pre(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: hclk_rkvdec_niu, parent: hclk_rkvdec_pre(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: aclk_rkvenc_niu, parent: aclk_rkvenc(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: hclk_rkvenc_niu, parent: hclk_rkvenc(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: aclk_h265, parent: aclk_rkvenc(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: pclk_h265, parent: hclk_rkvenc(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: aclk_h264, parent: aclk_rkvenc(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: hclk_h264, parent: hclk_rkvenc(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: aclk_axisram, parent: hclk_rkvenc(0), freq: 148500000
Clock: aclk_gmac2phy, parent: aclk_gmac(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: pclk_gmac2phy, parent: pclk_gmac(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: aclk_gmac2io, parent: aclk_gmac(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: pclk_gmac2io, parent: pclk_gmac(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: aclk_gmac_niu, parent: aclk_gmac(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: pclk_gmac_niu, parent: pclk_gmac(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: hclk_pdm, parent: hclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_usb3phy_otg, parent: pclk_phy(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_usb3phy_pipe, parent: pclk_phy(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_pmu, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_otp, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
rk3328_cru0: Set hdmiphy as the parent of vop_dclk
rk3328_cru0: Set apll as the parent of clk_pdm
rk3328_cru0: Set clk_pdm to 61440000
rk3328_cru0: Set gpll as the parent of clk_rtc32k
rk3328_cru0: Set xin24m as the parent of clk_uart0
rk3328_cru0: Set clk_uart0 to 24000000
rk3328_cru0: Set xin24m as the parent of clk_uart1
rk3328_cru0: Set clk_uart1 to 24000000
rk3328_cru0: Set xin24m as the parent of clk_uart2
rk3328_cru0: Set clk_uart2 to 24000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
Cannot set frequency for clk: aclk_bus_pre_c, error: 34
rk3328_cru0: Failed to set aclk_bus_pre to a frequency of 15000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
Cannot set frequency for clk: aclk_peri_pre, error: 34
rk3328_cru0: Failed to set aclk_peri_pre to a frequency of 15000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set aclk_vio_pre to 100000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set aclk_rga_pre to 100000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set aclk_vop_pre to 100000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set aclk_rkvdec_pre to 100000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set aclk_rkvenc to 50000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set aclk_vpu_pre to 100000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set sclk_cabac to 100000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set sclk_vdec_core to 100000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set sclk_venc to 50000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set sclk_venc_dsp to 50000000
rk3328_cru0: Set clk_sdio_src to 50000000
rk3328_cru0: Set clk_tsp to 50000000
rk3328_cru0: Set sclk_wifi to 24000000
rk3328_cru0: Set armclk to 600000000
rk3328_cru0: Set gpll to 491520000
rk3328_cru0: Set cpll to 1200000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set aclk_bus_pre to 150000000
rk3328_cru0: Set hclk_bus_pre to 75000000
rk3328_cru0: Set pclk_bus_pre to 75000000
clknode_link_recalc: Attempt to use unresolved linked clock: hdmi_phy
Cannot get frequency for clk: hdmi_phy, error: 9
rk3328_cru0: Set aclk_peri_pre to 150000000
rk3328_cru0: Set hclk_peri to 75000000
rk3328_cru0: Set pclk_peri to 75000000
rk3328_cru0: Set clk_rtc32k to 32768
clk_fixed1: <Fixed clock> on ofwbus0
Clock: gmac_clkin, parent: none, freq: 125000000
regfix0: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
regfix1: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
regfix2: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
simple_mfd0: <Simple MFD (Multi-Functions Device)> mem 0xff450000-0xff45ffff on ofwbus0
psci0: <ARM Power State Co-ordination Interface Driver> on ofwbus0
psci0: PSCI version 0.2 compatible
Found SMCCC version 1.0
gic0: <ARM Generic Interrupt Controller> mem 0xff811000-0xff811fff,0xff812000-0xff813fff,0xff814000-0xff815fff,0xff816000-0xff817fff irq 52 on ofwbus0
gic0: pn 0x2, arch 0x2, rev 0x1, implementer 0x43b irqs 160
rk_pinctrl0: <RockChip Pinctrl controller> on ofwbus0
gpio0: <RockChip GPIO Bank controller> mem 0xff210000-0xff2100ff irq 54 on rk_pinctrl0
gpiobus0: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio0
gpio1: <RockChip GPIO Bank controller> mem 0xff220000-0xff2200ff irq 55 on rk_pinctrl0
gpiobus1: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio1
gpio2: <RockChip GPIO Bank controller> mem 0xff230000-0xff2300ff irq 56 on rk_pinctrl0
gpiobus2: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio2
gpio3: <RockChip GPIO Bank controller> mem 0xff240000-0xff2400ff irq 57 on rk_pinctrl0
gpiobus3: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio3
Processing 1 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for spdif@ff030000
Processing 1 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for serial@ff130000
Processing 1 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for pmic@18
Processing 1 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for i2c@ff160000
Processing 4 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for spi@ff190000
Processing 1 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for tsadc@ff250000
Processing 3 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for hdmi@ff3c0000
Processing 4 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for mmc@ff500000
Processing 3 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for mmc@ff520000
Processing 1 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for ethernet@ff540000
Processing 1 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for sdmmc-regulator
Processing 1 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for vcc-host-5v-regulator
Processing 1 pin-config node(s) in pinctrl-0 for ir-receiver
rk_i2c0: <RockChip I2C> mem 0xff160000-0xff160fff irq 16 on ofwbus0
iicbus0: <OFW I2C bus> on rk_i2c0
rk805_pmu0: <RockChip RK805 PMIC> at addr 0x30 irq 58 on iicbus0
Clock: xin32k, parent: none, freq: 32768
Clock: rk805-clkout2, parent: none, freq: 32768
rk805_pmu0: Regulator DCDC_REG1 attached
rk805_pmu0: Regulator DCDC_REG2 attached
rk805_pmu0: Regulator DCDC_REG3 attached
rk805_pmu0: Regulator DCDC_REG4 attached
rk805_pmu0: Regulator LDO_REG1 attached
rk805_pmu0: Regulator LDO_REG2 attached
rk805_pmu0: Regulator LDO_REG3 attached
generic_timer0: <ARMv8 Generic Timer> irq 4,5,6,7 on ofwbus0
generic_timer0: allocated irq for 'sec-phys'
generic_timer0: allocated irq for 'phys'
generic_timer0: allocated irq for 'virt'
generic_timer0: allocated irq for 'hyp-phys'
ofwbus0: no default resources for rid = 4, type = 1
generic_timer0: could not allocate irq for optional interrupt 'hyp-virt'
Timecounter "ARM MPCore Timecounter" frequency 24000000 Hz quality 1000
Event timer "ARM MPCore Eventtimer" frequency 24000000 Hz quality 1000
rk_tsadc0: <RockChip temperature sensors> mem 0xff250000-0xff2500ff irq 23 on ofwbus0
rk_tsadc0: Set clk_tsadc_src to 50000
efirtc0: cannot read EFI realtime clock, error 78
ram0: reserving memory region:   200000-f4000000
ram0: reserving memory region:   f5747000-fbedb000
ram0: reserving memory region:   fbeeb000-fbeef000
ram0: reserving memory region:   fbef0000-fbef1000
ram0: reserving memory region:   fbf13000-fcf4e000
ram0: reserving memory region:   fcf4f000-fef30000
ram0: reserving memory region:   fef40000-ff000000
smbios0: <System Management BIOS>
smbios0: Version: 3.7
cpulist0: <Open Firmware CPU Group> on ofwbus0
cpu0: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu0: missing 'clock-frequency' property
cpufreq_dt0: <Generic cpufreq driver> on cpu0
cpufreq_dt0: Found cpu-supply
cpufreq_dt0: 408.000 Mhz (950000 uV)
cpufreq_dt0: 600.000 Mhz (950000 uV)
cpufreq_dt0: 816.000 Mhz (1000000 uV)
cpufreq_dt0: 1008.000 Mhz (1100000 uV)
cpufreq_dt0: 1200.000 Mhz (1225000 uV)
cpufreq_dt0: 1296.000 Mhz (1300000 uV)
cpu1: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu1: missing 'clock-frequency' property
cpufreq_dt1: <Generic cpufreq driver> on cpu1
cpufreq_dt1: Found cpu-supply
cpufreq_dt1: 408.000 Mhz (950000 uV)
cpufreq_dt1: 600.000 Mhz (950000 uV)
cpufreq_dt1: 816.000 Mhz (1000000 uV)
cpufreq_dt1: 1008.000 Mhz (1100000 uV)
cpufreq_dt1: 1200.000 Mhz (1225000 uV)
cpufreq_dt1: 1296.000 Mhz (1300000 uV)
cpu2: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu2: missing 'clock-frequency' property
cpufreq_dt2: <Generic cpufreq driver> on cpu2
cpufreq_dt2: Found cpu-supply
cpufreq_dt2: 408.000 Mhz (950000 uV)
cpufreq_dt2: 600.000 Mhz (950000 uV)
cpufreq_dt2: 816.000 Mhz (1000000 uV)
cpufreq_dt2: 1008.000 Mhz (1100000 uV)
cpufreq_dt2: 1200.000 Mhz (1225000 uV)
cpufreq_dt2: 1296.000 Mhz (1300000 uV)
cpu3: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
cpu3: missing 'clock-frequency' property
cpufreq_dt3: <Generic cpufreq driver> on cpu3
cpufreq_dt3: Found cpu-supply
cpufreq_dt3: 408.000 Mhz (950000 uV)
cpufreq_dt3: 600.000 Mhz (950000 uV)
cpufreq_dt3: 816.000 Mhz (1000000 uV)
cpufreq_dt3: 1008.000 Mhz (1100000 uV)
cpufreq_dt3: 1200.000 Mhz (1225000 uV)
cpufreq_dt3: 1296.000 Mhz (1300000 uV)
ofwbus0: <opp-table-0> compat operating-points-v2 (no driver attached)
pcm0: <simple-audio-card> on ofwbus0
pmu0: <Performance Monitoring Unit> irq 0,1,2,3 on ofwbus0
ofwbus0: no default resources for rid = 4, type = 1
ofwbus0: <display-subsystem> compat rockchip,display-subsystem (no driver attached)
pcm1: <simple-audio-card> on ofwbus0
i2s0: <Rockchip I2S> mem 0xff000000-0xff000fff irq 8 on ofwbus0
Cannot set frequency for clk: xin12m, error: 34
Cannot set frequency for clk: xin12m, error: 34
i2s1: <Rockchip I2S> mem 0xff010000-0xff010fff irq 9 on ofwbus0
Cannot set frequency for clk: clkin_i2s1, error: 34
Cannot set frequency for clk: xin12m, error: 34
ofwbus0: <i2s@ff020000> mem 0xff020000-0xff020fff irq 10 disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-i2s (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <spdif@ff030000> mem 0xff030000-0xff030fff irq 11 compat rockchip,rk3328-spdif (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <pdm@ff040000> mem 0xff040000-0xff040fff disabled compat rockchip,pdm (no driver attached)
rk_grf0: <io-domains> mem 0xff100000-0xff100fff compat rockchip,rk3328-io-voltage-domain (no driver attached)
rk_grf0: <gpio> mem 0xff100000-0xff100fff compat rockchip,rk3328-grf-gpio (no driver attached)
rk_grf0: <power-controller> mem 0xff100000-0xff100fff compat rockchip,rk3328-power-controller (no driver attached)
rk_grf0: <reboot-mode> mem 0xff100000-0xff100fff compat syscon-reboot-mode (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <serial@ff110000> mem 0xff110000-0xff1100ff irq 12 disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-uart (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <serial@ff120000> mem 0xff120000-0xff1200ff irq 13 disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-uart (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: no default resources for rid = 0, type = 4
ofwbus0: no default resources for rid = 0, type = 4
uart0: <16750 or compatible> mem 0xff130000-0xff1300ff irq 14 on ofwbus0
uart0: console (1500000,n,8,1)
uart0: fast interrupt
uart0: PPS capture mode: DCD
ofwbus0: <i2c@ff150000> mem 0xff150000-0xff150fff irq 15 disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-i2c (no driver attached)
iic0: <I2C generic I/O> on iicbus0
ofwbus0: <i2c@ff170000> mem 0xff170000-0xff170fff irq 17 disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-i2c (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <i2c@ff180000> mem 0xff180000-0xff180fff irq 18 disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-i2c (no driver attached)
spi0: <Rockchip SPI> mem 0xff190000-0xff190fff irq 19 on ofwbus0
spibus0: <OFW SPI bus> on spi0
spibus0: <unknown card> at cs 0 mode 0
ofwbus0: <watchdog@ff1a0000> mem 0xff1a0000-0xff1a00ff irq 20 compat rockchip,rk3328-wdt (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <pwm@ff1b0000> mem 0xff1b0000-0xff1b000f disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-pwm (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <pwm@ff1b0010> mem 0xff1b0010-0xff1b001f disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-pwm (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <pwm@ff1b0020> mem 0xff1b0020-0xff1b002f disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-pwm (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <pwm@ff1b0030> mem 0xff1b0030-0xff1b003f disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-pwm (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <dma-controller@ff1f0000> mem 0xff1f0000-0xff1f3fff irq 21,22 compat arm,pl330 (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <efuse@ff260000> mem 0xff260000-0xff26004f compat rockchip,rk3328-efuse (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <adc@ff280000> mem 0xff280000-0xff2800ff irq 24 disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-saradc (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <gpu@ff300000> mem 0xff300000-0xff32ffff irq 25,26,27,28,29,30,31 compat rockchip,rk3328-mali (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <iommu@ff330200> mem 0xff330200-0xff3302ff irq 32 disabled compat rockchip,iommu (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <iommu@ff340800> mem 0xff340800-0xff34083f irq 33 disabled compat rockchip,iommu (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <video-codec@ff350000> mem 0xff350000-0xff3507ff irq 34 compat rockchip,rk3328-vpu (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <iommu@ff350800> mem 0xff350800-0xff35083f irq 35 compat rockchip,iommu (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <video-codec@ff360000> mem 0xff360000-0xff36047f irq 36 compat rockchip,rk3328-vdec (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <iommu@ff360480> mem 0xff360480-0xff3604bf,0xff3604c0-0xff3604ff irq 37 compat rockchip,iommu (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <vop@ff370000> mem 0xff370000-0xff373efb irq 38 compat rockchip,rk3328-vop (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <iommu@ff373f00> mem 0xff373f00-0xff373fff irq 39 compat rockchip,iommu (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <hdmi@ff3c0000> mem 0xff3c0000-0xff3dffff irq 40,41 compat rockchip,rk3328-dw-hdmi (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <codec@ff410000> mem 0xff410000-0xff410fff compat rockchip,rk3328-codec (no driver attached)
ofwbus0: <phy@ff430000> mem 0xff430000-0xff43ffff irq 42 compat rockchip,rk3328-hdmi-phy (no driver attached)
simple_mfd0: <usb2phy@100> mem 0-0xff44ffff,0-0xffff compat rockchip,rk3328-usb2phy (no driver attached)
rockchip_dwmmc0: <Synopsys DesignWare Mobile Storage Host Controller (RockChip)> mem 0xff500000-0xff503fff irq 43 on ofwbus0
rockchip_dwmmc0: vmmc-supply regulator found
rockchip_dwmmc0: Hardware version ID is 270a
rockchip_dwmmc0: Card inserted
mmc0: <MMC/SD bus> on rockchip_dwmmc0
ofwbus0: <mmc@ff510000> mem 0xff510000-0xff513fff irq 44 disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-dw-mshc (no driver attached)
rockchip_dwmmc1: <Synopsys DesignWare Mobile Storage Host Controller (RockChip)> mem 0xff520000-0xff523fff irq 45 on ofwbus0
rockchip_dwmmc1: vmmc-supply regulator found
rockchip_dwmmc1: vqmmc-supply regulator found
rockchip_dwmmc1: Hardware version ID is 270a
rockchip_dwmmc1: Card inserted
mmc1: <MMC/SD bus> on rockchip_dwmmc1
dwc0: <Rockchip Gigabit Ethernet Controller> mem 0xff540000-0xff54ffff irq 46 on ofwbus0
dwc0: Set gmac_clkin as the parent of clk_mac2io
dwc0: Set gmac_clkin as the parent of clk_mac2io_ext
dwc0: current delays settings: tx=36(enabled) rx=24(enabled)
dwc0: setting new RK3328 RX/TX delays:  36/24
miibus0: <MII bus> on dwc0
rgephy0: <RTL8169S/8110S/8211 1000BASE-T media interface> PHY 0 on miibus0
rgephy0: OUI 0x00e04c, model 0x0011, rev. 6
rgephy0:  none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX-master, auto
rgephy1: <RTL8169S/8110S/8211 1000BASE-T media interface> PHY 1 on miibus0
rgephy1: OUI 0x00e04c, model 0x0011, rev. 6
rgephy1:  none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX-master, auto
dwc0: bpf attached
dwc0: Ethernet address: [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
ofwbus0: <ethernet@ff550000> mem 0xff550000-0xff55ffff irq 47 disabled compat rockchip,rk3328-gmac (no driver attached)
dwcotg0: <DWC OTG 2.0 integrated USB controller> mem 0xff580000-0xff5bffff irq 48 on ofwbus0
usbus1 on dwcotg0
dwcotg0: usbpf: Attached
ehci0: <Generic EHCI Controller> mem 0xff5c0000-0xff5cffff irq 49 on ofwbus0
usbus2: EHCI version 1.0
usbus2 on ehci0
ehci0: usbpf: Attached
ohci0: <Generic OHCI Controller> mem 0xff5d0000-0xff5dffff irq 50 on ofwbus0
usbus3 on ohci0
ohci0: usbpf: Attached
snps_dwc3_fdt0: <Synopsys Designware DWC3> mem 0xff600000-0xff6fffff irq 51 on ofwbus0
snps_dwc3_fdt0: SNPS Version: DWC3 (5533 300a)
snps_dwc3_fdt0: 64 bytes context size, 32-bit DMA
usbus4: trying to attach
usbus4 on snps_dwc3_fdt0
snps_dwc3_fdt0: usbpf: Attached
ofwbus0: <crypto@ff060000> mem 0xff060000-0xff063fff irq 53 compat rockchip,rk3328-crypto (no driver attached)
gpioc0: <GPIO controller> on gpio0
gpioc1: <GPIO controller> on gpio1
gpioc2: <GPIO controller> on gpio2
gpioc3: <GPIO controller> on gpio3
ofwbus0: <ir-receiver> compat gpio-ir-receiver (no driver attached)
gpioled0: <GPIO LEDs> on ofwbus0
gpioled0: <led-0> failed to map pin
gpioled0: <led-1> failed to map pin
pcm2: <simple-audio-card> on ofwbus0
ofwbus0: <spdif-dit> compat linux,spdif-dit (no driver attached)
crypto: assign cryptosoft0 driver id 0, flags 0x6000000
armv8crypto0: <AES-CBC,AES-XTS,AES-GCM>
crypto: assign armv8crypto0 driver id 1, flags 0xe000000
Device configuration finished.
procfs registered
Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
lo0: bpf attached
vlan: initialized, using hash tables with chaining
IPsec: Initialized Security Association Processing.
tcp_init: net.inet.tcp.tcbhashsize auto tuned to 32768
usbus1: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0
usbus2: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0
usbus3: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
usbus4: 5.0Gbps Super Speed USB v3.0
rk805_pmu0: Chip Name: 805
rk805_pmu0: Chip Version: 0
rk805_pmu0: registered as a time-of-day clock, resolution 1.000000s
pcm0: no driver attached to codec node
pcm1: no driver attached to codec node
mmc0: Probing bus
ugen2.1: <Generic EHCI root HUB> at usbus2
uhub0 on usbus2
uhub0: <Generic EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus2
ugen1.1: <DWCOTG OTG Root HUB> at usbus1
uhub1 on usbus1
uhub1: <DWCOTG OTG Root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus1
ugen4.1: <Synopsys XHCI root HUB> at usbus4
uhub2 on usbus4
uhub2: <Synopsys XHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 3.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus4
ugen3.1: <Generic OHCI root HUB> at usbus3
uhub3 on usbus3
uhub3: <Generic OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus3
mmc0: SD 2.0 interface conditions: OK
mmc0: SD probe: OK (OCR: 0x40ff8000)
mmc0: Current OCR: 0x00ff8000
mmc0: Probing cards
mmc0: New card detected (CID 0353445345333247805c53af7801362b)
mmc0: New card detected (CSD 400e00325b590000edc87f800a4040c3)
mmc0: Card at relative address 0xaaaa added:
mmc0:  card: SDHC SE32G 8.0 SN 5C53AF78 MFG 06/2019 by 3 SD
mmc0:  quirks: 0
mmc0:  bus: 4bit, 50MHz (high speed timing)
mmc0:  memory: 62333952 blocks, erase sector 8192 blocks
mmc0: setting transfer rate to 50.000MHz (high speed timing)
mmcsd0: 32GB <SDHC SE32G 8.0 SN 5C53AF78 MFG 06/2019 by 3 SD> at mmc0 50.0MHz/4bit/1016-block
mmc1: Probing bus
GEOM: new disk mmcsd0
mmc0: setting bus width to 4 bits high speed timing
mmc1: SD probe: failed
GEOM_PART: partition 2 on (mmcsd0, GPT) is not aligned on 4194304 bytes
mmc1: MMC probe: failed
mmc1: Current OCR: 0x00000000
mmc1: No compatible cards found on bus
pcm2: no driver attached to cpu node
CPU  0: ARM Cortex-A53 r0p4 affinity:  0
                   Cache Type = <64 byte D-cacheline,64 byte I-cacheline,VIPT ICache,64 byte ERG,64 byte CWG>
 Instruction Set Attributes 0 = <CRC32,SHA2,SHA1,AES+PMULL>
 Instruction Set Attributes 1 = <>
 Instruction Set Attributes 2 = <>
         Processor Features 0 = <AdvSIMD,FP,EL3 32,EL2 32,EL1 32,EL0 32>
         Processor Features 1 = <>
         Processor Features 2 = <>
      Memory Model Features 0 = <TGran4,TGran64,SNSMem,BigEnd,16bit ASID,1TB PA>
      Memory Model Features 1 = <8bit VMID>
      Memory Model Features 2 = <32bit CCIDX,48bit VA>
      Memory Model Features 3 = <>
      Memory Model Features 4 = <>
             Debug Features 0 = <DoubleLock,2 CTX BKPTs,4 Watchpoints,6 Breakpoints,PMUv3,Debugv8>
             Debug Features 1 = <>
         Auxiliary Features 0 = <>
         Auxiliary Features 1 = <>
AArch32 Instruction Set Attributes 5 = <CRC32,SHA2,SHA1,AES+VMULL,SEVL>
AArch32 Media and VFP Features 0 = <FPRound,FPSqrt,FPDivide,DP VFPv3+v4,SP VFPv3+v4,AdvSIMD>
 L1 cache: 32KB (instruction), 32KB (data)
 L2 cache: 256KB (unified)
CPU  1: ARM Cortex-A53 r0p4 affinity:  1
 L1 cache: 32KB (instruction), 32KB (data)
 L2 cache: 256KB (unified)
CPU  2: ARM Cortex-A53 r0p4 affinity:  2
 L1 cache: 32KB (instruction), 32KB (data)
 L2 cache: 256KB (unified)
CPU  3: ARM Cortex-A53 r0p4 affinity:  3
 L1 cache: 32KB (instruction), 32KB (data)
 L2 cache: 256KB (unified)
gic0: using for IPIs
Release APs...done
TCP_ratelimit: Is now initialized
WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
Unresolved linked clock found: hdmi_phy
Unresolved linked clock found: usb480m_phy
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/ufs/rootfs [rw]...
regulator: shutting down unused regulators
regulator: shutting down vcc_sd... busy
GEOM_PART: partition 2 on (diskid/DISK-5C53AF78, GPT) is not aligned on 4194304 bytes
uhub3: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
Warning: bad time from time-of-day clock, system time will not be set accurately
uhub2: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhub1: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
Dual Console: Serial Primary, Video Secondary
start_init: trying /sbin/init
uhub0: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
ugen1.2: <Mitsumi Electric Hub in Apple Extended USB Keyboard> at usbus1
uhub4 on uhub1
uhub4: <Mitsumi Electric Hub in Apple Extended USB Keyboard, class 9/0, rev 1.10/1.22, addr 2> on usbus1
uhub4: 3 ports with 2 removable, bus powered
ugen1.3: <Mitsumi Electric Apple Extended USB Keyboard> at usbus1
ukbd0 on uhub4
ukbd0: <Mitsumi Electric Apple Extended USB Keyboard, class 0/0, rev 1.10/1.22, addr 3> on usbus1
kbd: new array size 4
kbd1 at ukbd0
kbd1: ukbd0, generic (0), config:0x0, flags:0x3d0000
ugen1.4: <PixArt USB Optical Mouse> at usbus1
GEOM_PART: partition 2 on (diskid/DISK-5C53AF78, GPT) is not aligned on 4194304 bytes
GEOM_PART: partition 2 on (diskid/DISK-5C53AF78, GPT) is not aligned on 4194304 bytes
mx25l0: <M25Pxx Flash Family> at cs 0 mode 0 on spibus0
lock order reversal: (sleepable after non-sleepable)
 1st 0xffffa0000161ae20 spi0 (spi0, sleep mutex) @ /usr/src/sys/dev/spibus/controller/rockchip/rk_spi.c:426
 2nd 0xffff000000e1d7c8 Clock topology lock (Clock topology lock, sx) @ /usr/src/sys/dev/clk/clk.c:1208
lock order spi0 -> Clock topology lock attempted at:
#0 0xffff000000529f7c at witness_checkorder+0xae4
#1 0xffff0000004bd9b0 at _sx_xlock+0x70
#2 0xffff00000014a940 at clk_set_freq+0x50
#3 0xffff0000008fe7d4 at rk_spi_transfer+0x178
#4 0xffff0000c3a118b0 at mx25l_attach+0xec
#5 0xffff0000004ef7c0 at device_attach+0x3f4
#6 0xffff0000004ef330 at device_probe_and_attach+0x80
#7 0xffff0000004f1784 at bus_generic_driver_added+0x90
#8 0xffff0000004ec658 at devclass_driver_added+0x48
#9 0xffff0000004f6174 at device_do_deferred_actions+0x74
#10 0xffff0000004f5aa0 at devctl2_ioctl+0x1bc
#11 0xffff000000348fe0 at devfs_ioctl+0x100
#12 0xffff0000005c3210 at vn_ioctl+0xbc
#13 0xffff0000003496d4 at devfs_ioctl_f+0x24
#14 0xffff000000530240 at kern_ioctl+0x2e0
#15 0xffff00000052ff08 at sys_ioctl+0x140
#16 0xffff00000087bc54 at do_el0_sync+0x5dc
#17 0xffff00000085313c at handle_el0_sync+0x4c
mx25l0: Unknown SPI flash device. Vendor: 00, device id: 0000
device_attach: mx25l0 attach returned 6
lo0: link state changed to UP
dwc0: link state changed to DOWN
dwc0: link state changed to UP
uhid0 on uhub4
uhid0: <Mitsumi Electric Apple Extended USB Keyboard, class 0/0, rev 1.10/1.22, addr 3> on usbus1
ums0 on uhub4
ums0: <PixArt USB Optical Mouse, class 0/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 4> on usbus1
ums0: 3 buttons and [XYZ] coordinates ID=0