Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Available tokens: date, nickname, description, dmesg.

Date From (nickname) OS (derived) Description
2025-02-16 jmcneill NetBSD NetBSD/evbppc 10.99.12 on Nintendo Wii
2025-02-16 tsutsui NetBSD NetBSD/sparc 10.1 on SPARCclassic
2025-02-16 yamori813 FreeBSD IOData_WN-PL1167EX02 NON SMP
2025-02-14 yamori813 FreeBSD IOData_WN-PL1167EX02 add timecounter
2025-02-14 tsutsui NetBSD NetBSD/news68k 10.1 on SONY NWS-1750
2025-02-12 hiptoday OpenBSD Lenovo ThinkCentre M710q - OpenBSD 7.6
2025-02-12 jmcunx OpenBSD Lenovo Thinkpad W541, OpenBSD 7.6
2025-02-12 jmcunx OpenBSD T61 (typep 7661) OpenBSD 7.6 i386
2025-02-12 yamori813 FreeBSD IOData_WN-PL1167EX02 stable
2025-02-10 Ken Wellsch NetBSD NetBSD/vax1.6.2_STABLE on Open SIMH (uv2)
2025-02-10 skrll NetBSD NetBSD-current/riscv on StarFive VisionFive 2
2025-02-09 cmoltasanti FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on ADLOKO Z83 PRO
2025-02-09 Big John Studd FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on Red Hat KVM
2025-02-09 Ken Wellsch NetBSD NetBSD/vax 1.5.4_ALPHA on Open SIMH (uv2)
2025-02-09 Ken Wellsch NetBSD NetBSD/vax 1.4.3A on Open SIMH (uv2)
2025-02-09 tsutsui NetBSD NetBSD/atari 10.1 on ATARI TT030
2025-02-08 yamori813 FreeBSD IOData_WN-PL1167EX02 md rootfs mounted
2025-02-08 tingo FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on Asus F2A55-M
2025-02-08 tingo FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. GA-MA74GM-S2H
2025-02-08 tingo FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on Asus M5A78L/USB3
2025-02-08 tingo FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on HP HP ProDesk 405 G6 Desktop Mini PC
2025-02-08 yamori813 FreeBSD IOData_WN-PL1167EX02 etherswitch fine
2025-02-07 yamori813 FreeBSD IOData_WN-PL1167EX02 SMP CPU launched
2025-02-06 yamori813 FreeBSD IOData_WN-PL1167EX02 SMP CPU started!
2025-02-06 yamori813 FreeBSD IOData_WN-PL1167EX02 SMP work start
2025-02-06 pgoyette NetBSD ASUS B870E ROG Strix, all solidstate
2025-02-05 root FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on HP HP ProDesk 600 G3 DM
2025-02-05 yamori813 FreeBSD MT7621 first step
2025-02-03 charlesrocket FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on T480
2025-02-03 chabi FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on LENOVO 20AWS1JN00
2025-02-03 dmitry FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on FUJITSU ESPRIMO Q920
2025-02-03 Ken Wellsch FreeBSD FreeBSD 14.2-STABLE/amd64 on Sophos XG 125 rev 3
2025-02-02 ccs FreeBSD Lenovo M73 Tiny NomadBSD
2025-02-02 superbofh FreeBSD RPI3
2025-02-02 superbofh FreeBSD Tiger FreeBSD Lenovo P720
2025-02-02 superbofh FreeBSD Mouse RPI4
2025-02-02 superbofh OpenBSD Snail RPI4
2025-02-02 superbofh FreeBSD Parrot FreeBSD Dell R710
2025-02-02 superbofh FreeBSD Shark FreeBSD Dell R710
2025-02-02 superbofh FreeBSD Puma Dell R720

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