Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Date: 2019-10-28 22:27:46
From: jmcneill
Description: NetBSD/evbarm 9.99.17 on BeagleBone Black
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
2018, 2019 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 9.99.17 (GENERIC) #137: Mon Oct 28 19:15:55 ADT 2019
total memory = 512 MB
avail memory = 495 MB
pool redzone disabled for 'buf64k'
timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
armfdt0 (root)
simplebus0 at armfdt0: TI AM335x BeagleBone Black
simplebus1 at simplebus0
simplebus2 at simplebus0
cpus0 at simplebus0
cpu0 at cpus0: Cortex-A8 r3p2 (Cortex V7A core)
cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT branch prediction enabled
cpu0: 32KB/64B 4-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
cpu0: 32KB/64B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
cpu0: 256KB/64B 8-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache
vfp0 at cpu0: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
cpufreqdt0 at cpu0
simplebus3 at simplebus1
simplebus4 at simplebus1
simplebus5 at simplebus1
simplebus6 at simplebus1
simplebus7 at simplebus1
simplebus8 at simplebus3
simplebus9 at simplebus4
simplebus10 at simplebus4
simplebus11 at simplebus5
simplebus12 at simplebus4
simplebus13 at simplebus3
simplebus14 at simplebus3
simplebus15 at simplebus4
simplebus16 at simplebus6
simplebus17 at simplebus7
fclock0 at simplebus0: 24576000 Hz fixed clock (clk_mcasp0_fixed)
omapintc0 at simplebus1
tisysc0 at simplebus8
tisysc1 at simplebus8
tisysc2 at simplebus8
tisysc3 at simplebus9
tisysc4 at simplebus10
tisysc5 at simplebus9
tisysc6 at simplebus8
tisysc7 at simplebus11
tisysc8 at simplebus9
tisysc9 at simplebus8
tisysc10 at simplebus8
tisysc11 at simplebus8
tisysc12 at simplebus8
tisysc13 at simplebus8
tisysc14 at simplebus9
tisysc15 at simplebus9
tisysc16 at simplebus9
tisysc17 at simplebus9
tisysc18 at simplebus9
tisysc19 at simplebus9
tisysc20 at simplebus9
tisysc21 at simplebus9
tisysc22 at simplebus9
tisysc23 at simplebus9
tisysc24 at simplebus9
tisysc25 at simplebus9
tisysc26 at simplebus9
tisysc27 at simplebus9
tisysc28 at simplebus12
tisysc29 at simplebus12
tisysc30 at simplebus12
tisysc31 at simplebus12
tisysc32 at simplebus12
tisysc33 at simplebus12
tisysc34 at simplebus12
tisysc35 at simplebus12
tisysc36 at simplebus12
tisysc37 at simplebus12
tisysc38 at simplebus10
tisysc39 at simplebus10
tisysc40 at simplebus10
tisysc41 at simplebus10
simplebus18 at tisysc2
am3prcm0 at tisysc0: AM3xxx PRCM
syscon0 at simplebus18: System Controller Registers
timuxclk0 at syscon0: TI mux clock (sys_clkin_ck@40)
tidivclk0 at am3prcm0: TI divider clock (dpll_ddr_m2_ck@4a0)
tidivclk1 at am3prcm0: TI divider clock (dpll_per_m2_ck@4ac)
ffclock0 at am3prcm0: x1 /8 fixed-factor clock
tidivclk2 at am3prcm0: TI divider clock (dpll_core_m4_ck@480)
ffclock1 at am3prcm0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
tidivclk3 at am3prcm0: TI divider clock (dpll_disp_m2_ck@4a4)
fclock1 at am3prcm0: 12000000 Hz fixed clock (tclkin_ck)
fclock2 at am3prcm0: 32000 Hz fixed clock (clk_rc32k_ck)
fclock3 at am3prcm0: 32768 Hz fixed clock (clk_32768_ck)
ffclock2 at am3prcm0: x1 /2 fixed-factor clock
tidivclk4 at am3prcm0: TI divider clock (dpll_core_m5_ck@484)
timuxclk1 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (gfx_fclk_clksel_ck@52c)
timuxclk2 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (lcd_gclk@534)
timuxclk3 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (sysclkout_pre_ck@700)
tidivclk5 at am3prcm0: TI divider clock (clkout2_div_ck@700)
fclock4 at am3prcm0: 19200000 Hz fixed clock (virt_19200000_ck)
fclock5 at am3prcm0: 24000000 Hz fixed clock (virt_24000000_ck)
fclock6 at am3prcm0: 25000000 Hz fixed clock (virt_25000000_ck)
fclock7 at am3prcm0: 26000000 Hz fixed clock (virt_26000000_ck)
ffclock3 at am3prcm0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
timuxclk4 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (timer1_fck@528)
timuxclk5 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (timer2_fck@508)
ffclock4 at syscon0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock5 at syscon0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock6 at am3prcm0: x1 /2 fixed-factor clock
timuxclk6 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (cpsw_cpts_rft_clk@520)
tidivclk6 at am3prcm0: TI divider clock (dpll_core_m6_ck@4d8)
tidivclk7 at am3prcm0: TI divider clock (dpll_mpu_m2_ck@4a8)
ffclock7 at am3prcm0: x1 /2 fixed-factor clock
ffclock8 at am3prcm0: x1 /4 fixed-factor clock
ffclock9 at am3prcm0: x1 /4 fixed-factor clock
ffclock10 at am3prcm0: x1 /732 fixed-factor clock
timuxclk7 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (pruss_ocp_gclk@530)
timuxclk8 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (timer3_fck@50c)
timuxclk9 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (timer4_fck@510)
timuxclk10 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (timer5_fck@518)
timuxclk11 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (timer6_fck@51c)
timuxclk12 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (timer7_fck@504)
timuxclk13 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (wdt1_fck@538)
ffclock11 at am3prcm0: x1 /2 fixed-factor clock
ffclock12 at am3prcm0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock13 at am3prcm0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock14 at am3prcm0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock15 at am3prcm0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
timuxclk14 at am3prcm0: TI mux clock (gpio0_dbclk_mux_ck@53c)
ffclock16 at am3prcm0: x1 /2 fixed-factor clock
tidivclk8 at am3prcm0: TI divider clock (gfx_fck_div_ck@52c)
ffclock17 at syscon0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock18 at syscon0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock19 at syscon0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock20 at syscon0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock21 at syscon0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock22 at syscon0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock23 at syscon0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
ffclock24 at syscon0: x1 /1 fixed-factor clock
tidpllclk0 at am3prcm0: TI DPLL clock (dpll_mpu_ck@488)
pinctrl0 at simplebus18
tigpio0 at tisysc3: GPIO (gpio2)
gpio0 at tigpio0: 32 pins
tigpio1 at tisysc6: GPIO (gpio1)
gpio1 at tigpio1: 32 pins
tigpio2 at tisysc33: GPIO (gpio3)
gpio2 at tigpio2: 32 pins
tigpio3 at tisysc34: GPIO (gpio4)
gpio3 at tigpio3: 32 pins
titptc0 at simplebus1: EDMA Transfer Controller
titptc1 at simplebus1: EDMA Transfer Controller
titptc2 at simplebus1: EDMA Transfer Controller
tiiic0 at tisysc1: rev 0.11, scheme 1
tiiic0: 32-bytes FIFO
iic0 at tiiic0: I2C bus
tps65217pmic0 at iic0 addr 0x24: TPS65217C Power Management Multi-Channel IC (rev 1.2)
tps65217pmic0: power sources USB max 1800 mA, [AC] max 2500 mA
tps65217pmic0: [ldo1: 1800 mV] [ldo2: 3300 mV] [ldo3: 1800 mV] [ldo4: 3300 mV] [dcdc1: 1500 mV] [dcdc2: 1325 mV] [dcdc3: 1100 mV] 
tps65217reg0 at tps65217pmic0: vdds_dpr
tps65217reg1 at tps65217pmic0: vdd_mpu
tps65217reg2 at tps65217pmic0: vdd_core
tps65217reg3 at tps65217pmic0: vio,vrtc,vdds
tps65217reg4 at tps65217pmic0: vdd_3v3aux
tps65217reg5 at tps65217pmic0: vdd_1v8
tps65217reg6 at tps65217pmic0: vdd_3v3a
seeprom0 at iic0 addr 0x50: baseboard_eeprom: size 32768
tda19988 at iic0 addr 0x70 not configured
tiedma0 at simplebus1: EDMA Channel Controller
tiedma0: interrupting on INTC irq 12
com0 at tisysc9: ns16550a, working fifo
com0: console
com0: interrupting on INTC irq 72
tiiic1 at tisysc28: rev 0.11, scheme 1
tiiic1: 32-bytes FIFO
iic1 at tiiic1: I2C bus
seeprom1 at iic1 addr 0x54: cape_eeprom0: size 32768
seeprom2 at iic1 addr 0x55: cape_eeprom1: size 32768
seeprom3 at iic1 addr 0x56: cape_eeprom2: size 32768
seeprom4 at iic1 addr 0x57: cape_eeprom3: size 32768
fregulator0 at simplebus0: vmmcsd_fixed
/opp-table at simplebus0 not configured
/ocp/ocmcram@40300000 at simplebus1 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/dpll_core_ck@490 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/dpll_core_x2_ck at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/dpll_ddr_ck@494 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/dpll_disp_ck@498 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/dpll_per_ck@48c at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@48000000/segment@300000/target-module@e000/lcdc@0 at tisysc4 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/wkup_m3@100000 at simplebus3 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@48000000/segment@0/target-module@c8000/mailbox@0 at tisysc5 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/dma-router@f90 at simplebus18 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/scm_conf@0/clocks/ehrpwm0_tbclk@44e10664 at syscon0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/scm_conf@0/clocks/ehrpwm1_tbclk@44e10664 at syscon0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/scm_conf@0/clocks/ehrpwm2_tbclk@44e10664 at syscon0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/scm_conf@0/phy-gmii-sel at syscon0 not configured
cpsw0 at tisysc7: TI Layer 2 3-Port Switch
cpsw0: Ethernet address [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
ukphy0 at cpsw0 phy 0: OUI 0x00800f, model 0x000f, rev. 1
ukphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
tiotg0 at simplebus1: TI dual-port USB controller: version v1.0.0.13
/ocp/usb@47400000/control@44e10620 at tiotg0 not configured
/ocp/usb@47400000/usb-phy@47401300 at tiotg0 not configured
/ocp/usb@47400000/dma-controller@47402000 at tiotg0 not configured
/ocp/usb@47400000/usb-phy@47401b00 at tiotg0 not configured
ausoc0 at simplebus0: TI BeagleBone Black
/ocp/interconnect@48000000/segment@0/target-module@38000/mcasp@0 at tisysc8 not configured
/clk_mcasp0 at simplebus0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/mmu_fck@914 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/usbotg_fck@47c at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/ieee5000_fck@e4 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/clkout2_ck@700 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/wkup_m3_ipc@1324 at simplebus18 not configured
omaptimer0 at tisysc11am3prcm0: autoconfiguration error: no hwmod with name 'timer1'
autoconfiguration error: : couldn't enable module
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@35000/wdt@0 at tisysc12 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@3e000/rtc@0 at tisysc13 not configured
omaptimer1 at tisysc19: Timer
timecounter: Timecounter "Timer2" frequency 24000000 Hz quality 200
omaptimer2 at tisysc20: Timer
omaptimer3 at tisysc21: Timer
omaptimer4 at tisysc22: Timer
omaptimer5 at tisysc23: Timer
omaptimer6 at tisysc24: Timer
sdhc0 at tisysc25: MMCHS
sdhc0: interrupting on INTC irq 64
sdhc0: SDHC 2.0, rev 49, PIO, 96000 kHz, HS 1.8V 3.0V, 1024 byte blocks
sdmmc0 at sdhc0 slot 0
/ocp/interconnect@48000000/segment@0/target-module@ca000/spinlock@0 at tisysc27 not configured
sdhc1 at tisysc37: MMCHS
sdhc1: interrupting on INTC irq 28
sdhc1: SDHC 2.0, rev 49, PIO, 96000 kHz, HS 1.8V 3.0V, 1024 byte blocks
sdmmc1 at sdhc1 slot 0
/ocp/interconnect@48000000/segment@300000/target-module@10000/rng@0 at tisysc41 not configured
motg0 at tiotg0: 0x4ea20800 version v0.0.0
motg0: interrupting on INTC irq 18
motg0: Dynamic FIFO sizing detected, assuming 16Kbytes of FIFO RAM
usb0 at motg0: USB revision 2.0
motg1 at tiotg0: 0x4ea20800 version v0.0.0
motg1: interrupting on INTC irq 19
motg1: Dynamic FIFO sizing detected, assuming 16Kbytes of FIFO RAM
usb1 at motg1: USB revision 2.0
/ocp/emif@4c000000 at simplebus1 not configured
/ocp/sham@53100000 at simplebus1 not configured
/ocp/aes@53500000 at simplebus1 not configured
armpmu0 at simplebus0: Performance Monitor Unit
/soc at simplebus0 not configured
gpioleds0 at simplebus0: beaglebone:green:heartbeat beaglebone:green:mmc0 beaglebone:green:usr2 beaglebone:green:usr3
/opp-table at simplebus0 not configured
/ocp/ocmcram@40300000 at simplebus1 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/dpll_core_ck@490 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/dpll_core_x2_ck at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/dpll_ddr_ck@494 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/dpll_disp_ck@498 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/dpll_per_ck@48c at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@48000000/segment@300000/target-module@e000/lcdc@0 at tisysc4 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/wkup_m3@100000 at simplebus3 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@48000000/segment@0/target-module@c8000/mailbox@0 at tisysc5 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/dma-router@f90 at simplebus18 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/scm_conf@0/clocks/ehrpwm0_tbclk@44e10664 at syscon0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/scm_conf@0/clocks/ehrpwm1_tbclk@44e10664 at syscon0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/scm_conf@0/clocks/ehrpwm2_tbclk@44e10664 at syscon0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/scm_conf@0/phy-gmii-sel at syscon0 not configured
/ocp/usb@47400000/control@44e10620 at tiotg0 not configured
/ocp/usb@47400000/usb-phy@47401300 at tiotg0 not configured
/ocp/usb@47400000/dma-controller@47402000 at tiotg0 not configured
/ocp/usb@47400000/usb-phy@47401b00 at tiotg0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@48000000/segment@0/target-module@38000/mcasp@0 at tisysc8 not configured
/clk_mcasp0 at simplebus0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/mmu_fck@914 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/usbotg_fck@47c at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/ieee5000_fck@e4 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@0/prcm@0/clocks/clkout2_ck@700 at am3prcm0 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@10000/scm@0/wkup_m3_ipc@1324 at simplebus18 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@35000/wdt@0 at tisysc12 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@44c00000/segment@200000/target-module@3e000/rtc@0 at tisysc13 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@48000000/segment@0/target-module@ca000/spinlock@0 at tisysc27 not configured
/ocp/interconnect@48000000/segment@300000/target-module@10000/rng@0 at tisysc41 not configured
/ocp/emif@4c000000 at simplebus1 not configured
/ocp/sham@53100000 at simplebus1 not configured
/ocp/aes@53500000 at simplebus1 not configured
/soc at simplebus0 not configured
ausoc0: autoconfiguration error: couldn't acquire cpu dai on sound node
timecounter: Timecounter "clockinterrupt" frequency 100 Hz quality 0
omaptimer2: interrupting on INTC irq 69
cpufreqdt0: 720.000 MHz, 1260000 uV
cpufreqdt0: 600.000 MHz, 1200000 uV
cpufreqdt0: 500.000 MHz, 1100000 uV
uhub0 at usb0: NetBSD (0000) MOTG root hub (0000), class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
armpmu0: interrupting on INTC irq 3
uhub1 at usb1: NetBSD (0000) MOTG root hub (0000), class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub1: 1 port with 1 removable, self powered
sdhc1: cmd timeout error
sdmmc1: direct I/O error 60, r=6 p=0x9a1a9f24 write
sdhc0: cmd timeout error
sdmmc0: direct I/O error 60, r=6 p=0x9a1a7f24 write
IPsec: Initialized Security Association Processing.
ld1 at sdmmc1: <0xfe:0x014e:MMC02G:0x00:0x1aee3308:0x000>
ld1: 1832 MB, 930 cyl, 64 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 3751936 sectors
ld1: 8-bit width, 26.000 MHz
sdmmc0: SD card status: 4-bit, C10, U1, A1
ld0 at sdmmc0: <0x03:0x5344:SC16G:0x80:0x7dc526bf:0x124>
ld0: 15193 MB, 7717 cyl, 64 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 31116288 sectors
ld0: 4-bit width, High-Speed/SDR25, 50.000 MHz
urtwn0 at uhub1 port 1
urtwn0: Realtek (0xbda) 802.11n NIC (0x8179), rev 2.00/0.00, addr 2
urtwn0: MAC/BB RTL8188EU, RF 6052 1T1R, address [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
urtwn0: 1 rx pipe, 2 tx pipes
WARNING: 3 errors while detecting hardware; check system log.
boot device: ld0
root on ld0a dumps on ld0b
root file system type: ffs
WARNING: no TOD clock present
WARNING: using filesystem time