Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Date: 2020-01-15 01:11:53
From: jmcneill
Description: NetBSD/evbarm 9.99.36 on SolidRun i.MX8MQ HummingBoard Pulse
[   1.0000000] NetBSD/evbarm (fdt) booting ...
[   1.0000000] pool redzone disabled for 'kmem-4096'
[   1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
[   1.0000000]     2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
[   1.0000000]     2018, 2019, 2020 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
[   1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
[   1.0000000]     The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

[   1.0000000] NetBSD 9.99.36 (GENERIC64) #76: Tue Jan 14 21:04:04 AST 2020
[   1.0000000]  [_EMAIL_XXXXXXXXXXXXX]:/Users/jmcneill/netbsd/cvs-src/sys/arch/evbarm/compile/obj/GENERIC64
[   1.0000000] total memory = 3057 MB
[   1.0000000] avail memory = 2953 MB
[   1.0000000] pool redzone disabled for 'buf4k'
[   1.0000000] pool redzone disabled for 'buf64k'
[   1.0000000] armfdt0 (root)
[   1.0000000] simplebus0 at armfdt0: SolidRun i.MX8MQ HummingBoard Pulse
[   1.0000000] simplebus1 at simplebus0
[   1.0000000] cpus0 at simplebus0
[   1.0000000] psci0 at simplebus0: PSCI 1.1
[   1.0000000] simplebus2 at simplebus0
[   1.0000000] cpu0 at cpus0: Cortex-A53 r0p4 (Cortex V8-A core)
[   1.0000000] cpu0: package 0, core 0, smt 0
[   1.0000000] cpu0: IC enabled, DC enabled, EL0/EL1 stack Alignment check enabled
[   1.0000000] cpu0: Cache Writeback Granule 16B, Exclusives Reservation Granule 16B
[   1.0000000] cpu0: Dcache line 64, Icache line 64
[   1.0000000] cpu0: L1 32KB/64B 2-way read-allocate VIPT Instruction cache
[   1.0000000] cpu0: L1 32KB/64B 4-way write-back read-allocate write-allocate PIPT Data cache
[   1.0000000] cpu0: L2 1024KB/64B 16-way write-back read-allocate write-allocate PIPT Unified cache
[   1.0000000] cpu0: revID=0x180, PMCv3, 4k table, 64k table, 16bit ASID
[   1.0000000] cpu0: auxID=0x11120, GICv3, FP, CRC32, SHA1, SHA256, AES+PMULL, NEON, rounding, NaN propagation, denormals, 32x64bitRegs, Fused Multiply-Add
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt0 at cpu0
[   1.0000000] cpu1 at cpus0: Cortex-A53 r0p4 (Cortex V8-A core)
[   1.0000000] cpu1: package 0, core 1, smt 0
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt1 at cpu1
[   1.0000000] cpu2 at cpus0: Cortex-A53 r0p4 (Cortex V8-A core)
[   1.0000000] cpu2: package 0, core 2, smt 0
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt2 at cpu2
[   1.0000000] cpu3 at cpus0: Cortex-A53 r0p4 (Cortex V8-A core)
[   1.0000000] cpu3: package 0, core 3, smt 0
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt3 at cpu3
[   1.0000000] simplebus3 at simplebus1
[   1.0000000] simplebus4 at simplebus1
[   1.0000000] simplebus5 at simplebus1
[   1.0000000] simplebus6 at simplebus1
[   1.0000000] syscon0 at simplebus3: System Controller Registers
[   1.0000000] gicvthree0 at simplebus1: GICv3
[   1.0000000] syscon1 at simplebus3: System Controller Registers
[   1.0000000] fclock0 at simplebus0: 32768 Hz fixed clock (ckil)
[   1.0000000] fclock1 at simplebus0: 25000000 Hz fixed clock (osc_25m)
[   1.0000000] fclock2 at simplebus0: 27000000 Hz fixed clock (osc_27m)
[   1.0000000] fclock3 at simplebus0: 133000000 Hz fixed clock (clk_ext1)
[   1.0000000] fclock4 at simplebus0: 133000000 Hz fixed clock (clk_ext2)
[   1.0000000] fclock5 at simplebus0: 133000000 Hz fixed clock (clk_ext3)
[   1.0000000] fclock6 at simplebus0: 133000000 Hz fixed clock (clk_ext4)
[   1.0000000] syscon2 at simplebus3: System Controller Registers
[   1.0000000] syscon3 at simplebus3: System Controller Registers
[   1.0000000] syscon4 at simplebus3: System Controller Registers
[   1.0000000] gtmr0 at simplebus0: Generic Timer
[   1.0000000] gtmr0: interrupting on GICv3 irq 27
[   1.0000000] armgtmr0 at gtmr0: Generic Timer (8333 kHz, virtual)
[   1.0000060] imx7gpc0 at simplebus3: General Power Controller
[   1.0000060] imx8mqccm0 at simplebus3: Clock Control Module
[   1.0000060] imxiomux0 at simplebus3: IOMUX Controller
[   1.0000060] imxgpio0 at simplebus3: GPIO (gpio@30200000)
[   1.0000060] imxgpio0: interrupting on irq 96
[   1.0000060] imxgpio0: interrupting on irq 97
[   1.0000060] imxgpio0: interrupts 16384..16415
[   1.0000060] gpio0 at imxgpio0: 32 pins
[   1.0000060] imxgpio1 at simplebus3: GPIO (gpio@30210000)
[   1.0000060] imxgpio1: interrupting on irq 98
[   1.0000060] imxgpio1: interrupting on irq 99
[   1.0000060] imxgpio1: interrupts 16416..16447
[   1.0000060] gpio1 at imxgpio1: 32 pins
[   1.0000060] imxgpio2 at simplebus3: GPIO (gpio@30220000)
[   1.0000060] imxgpio2: interrupting on irq 100
[   1.0000060] imxgpio2: interrupting on irq 101
[   1.0000060] imxgpio2: interrupts 16448..16479
[   1.0000060] gpio2 at imxgpio2: 32 pins
[   1.0000060] imxgpio3 at simplebus3: GPIO (gpio@30230000)
[   1.0000060] imxgpio3: interrupting on irq 102
[   1.0000060] imxgpio3: interrupting on irq 103
[   1.0000060] imxgpio3: interrupts 16480..16511
[   1.0000060] gpio3 at imxgpio3: 32 pins
[   1.0000060] imxgpio4 at simplebus3: GPIO (gpio@30240000)
[   1.0000060] imxgpio4: interrupting on irq 104
[   1.0000060] imxgpio4: interrupting on irq 105
[   1.0000060] imxgpio4: interrupts 16512..16543
[   1.0000060] gpio4 at imxgpio4: 32 pins
[   1.0000060] fregulator0 at simplebus0: VSD_3V3
[   1.0000060] imxuart0 at simplebus4, 25000000 Hz (console)
[   1.0000060] imxuart0: interrupting on irq 58
[   1.0000060] imxuart0: console
[   1.0000060] imxuart1 at simplebus4, 25000000 Hz
[   1.0000060] imxuart1: interrupting on irq 60
[   1.0000060] imxuart2 at simplebus4, 25000000 Hz
[   1.0000060] imxuart2: interrupting on irq 59
[   1.0000060] imxuart3 at simplebus4, 25000000 Hz
[   1.0000060] imxuart3: interrupting on irq 61
[   1.0000060] fregulator1 at simplebus0: vdd_3v3
[   1.0000060] fregulator2 at simplebus0: v_5v0
[   1.0000060] imx8mqusbphy0 at simplebus1: USB PHY
[   1.0000060] imx8mqusbphy1 at simplebus1: USB PHY
[   1.0000060] /opp-table at simplebus0 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30000000/tmu@30260000 at simplebus3 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/gpu@38000000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30800000/i2c@30a20000 at simplebus4 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30800000/sdma@30bd0000 at simplebus4 not configured
[   1.0000060] xhci0 at simplebus1: 'otg' not supported
[   1.0000060] enet0 at simplebus4: Gigabit Ethernet Controller
[   1.0000060] enet0: interrupting on irq 150
[   1.0000060] enet0: interrupting on irq 151
[   1.0000060] enet0: interrupting on irq 152
[   1.0000060] enet0: cannot get mac address. set randomly
[   1.0000060] enet0: Ethernet address [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
[   1.0000060] atphy0 at enet0 phy 4: Atheros AR8035 10/100/1000 PHY, rev. 4
[   1.0000060] atphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseSX-FDX, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30800000/i2c@30a30000 at simplebus4 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30000000/watchdog@30280000 at simplebus3 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30000000/sdma@302c0000 at simplebus3 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30000000/syscon@30340000/mux-controller at syscon3 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30000000/snvs@30370000/snvs-rtc-lp at syscon1 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30400000/timer@306a0000 at simplebus5 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30800000/crypto@30900000 at simplebus4 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30800000/i2c@30a40000 at simplebus4 not configured
[   1.0000060] sdhc0 at simplebus4: SDMMC (400000 kHz)
[   1.0000060] sdhc0: interrupting on irq 54
[   1.0000060] sdhc0: SDHC 3.0, rev 0, 32-bit ADMA2, 180000 kHz, HS SDR50 DDR50 1.8V 3.0V 3.3V, re-tuning mode 1, 4096 byte blocks
[   1.0000060] sdmmc0 at sdhc0 slot 0
[   1.0000060] sdhc1 at simplebus4: SDMMC (200000 kHz)
[   1.0000060] sdhc1: interrupting on irq 55
[   1.0000060] sdhc1: SDHC 3.0, rev 0, 32-bit ADMA2, 180000 kHz, HS SDR50 DDR50 1.8V 3.0V 3.3V, re-tuning mode 1, 4096 byte blocks
[   1.0000060] sdmmc1 at sdhc1 slot 0
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@30800000/spi@30bb0000 at simplebus4 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/bus@32c00000/interrupt-controller@32e2d000 at simplebus6 not configured
[   1.0000060] xhci1 at simplebus1: DesignWare USB3 XHCI (rev. 3.10a)
[   1.0000060] xhci1: interrupting on irq 73
[   1.0000060] usb0 at xhci1: USB revision 3.0
[   1.0000060] usb1 at xhci1: USB revision 2.0
[   1.0000060] armpmu0 at simplebus0: Performance Monitor Unit
[   1.0000060] /soc@0/ddr-pmu@3d800000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] cpu3: IC enabled, DC enabled, EL0/EL1 stack Alignment check enabled
[   1.0000060] cpu3: Cache Writeback Granule 16B, Exclusives Reservation Granule 16B
[   1.8941749] cpu3: Dcache line 64, Icache line 64
[   1.8941749] cpu3: L1 32KB/64B 2-way read-allocate VIPT Instruction cache
[   1.9041691] cpu3: L1 32KB/64B 4-way write-back read-allocate write-allocate PIPT Data cache
[   1.9141702] cpu3: L2 1024KB/64B 16-way write-back read-allocate write-allocate PIPT Unified cache
[   1.9241703] cpu3: revID=0x180, PMCv3, 4k table, 64k table, 16bit ASID
[   1.9241703] cpu3: auxID=0x11120, GICv3, FP, CRC32, SHA1, SHA256, AES+PMULL, NEON, rounding, NaN propagation, denormals, 32x64bitRegs, Fused Multiply-Add
[   1.9441714] cpu2: IC enabled, DC enabled, EL0/EL1 stack Alignment check enabled
[   1.9541732] cpu2: Cache Writeback Granule 16B, Exclusives Reservation Granule 16B
[   1.9541732] cpu2: Dcache line 64, Icache line 64
[   1.9641728] cpu2: L1 32KB/64B 2-way read-allocate VIPT Instruction cache
[   1.9641728] cpu2: L1 32KB/64B 4-way write-back read-allocate write-allocate PIPT Data cache
[   1.9741738] cpu2: L2 1024KB/64B 16-way write-back read-allocate write-allocate PIPT Unified cache
[   1.9841738] cpu2: revID=0x180, PMCv3, 4k table, 64k table, 16bit ASID
[   1.9941759] cpu2: auxID=0x11120, GICv3, FP, CRC32, SHA1, SHA256, AES+PMULL, NEON, rounding, NaN propagation, denormals, 32x64bitRegs, Fused Multiply-Add
[   2.0041750] cpu1: IC enabled, DC enabled, EL0/EL1 stack Alignment check enabled
[   2.0141768] cpu1: Cache Writeback Granule 16B, Exclusives Reservation Granule 16B
[   2.0241764] cpu1: Dcache line 64, Icache line 64
[   2.0241764] cpu1: L1 32KB/64B 2-way read-allocate VIPT Instruction cache
[   2.0341776] cpu1: L1 32KB/64B 4-way write-back read-allocate write-allocate PIPT Data cache
[   2.0441775] cpu1: L2 1024KB/64B 16-way write-back read-allocate write-allocate PIPT Unified cache
[   2.0541788] cpu1: revID=0x180, PMCv3, 4k table, 64k table, 16bit ASID
[   2.0541788] cpu1: auxID=0x11120, GICv3, FP, CRC32, SHA1, SHA256, AES+PMULL, NEON, rounding, NaN propagation, denormals, 32x64bitRegs, Fused Multiply-Add
[   2.0741804] cpufreqdt0: couldn't acquire clock
[   2.0741804] cpufreqdt1: couldn't acquire clock
[   2.0741804] cpufreqdt2: couldn't acquire clock
[   2.0878905] cpufreqdt3: couldn't acquire clock
[   2.0878905] uhub0 at usb0: NetBSD (0000) xHCI root hub (0000), class 9/0, rev 3.00/1.00, addr 0
[   2.0947797] uhub1 at usb1: NetBSD (0000) xHCI root hub (0000), class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 0
[   2.1147805] armpmu0: interrupting on GICv3 irq 23
[   2.3047923] sdmmc1: SD card status: 4-bit, C10, U1, A1
[   2.3047923] ld1 at sdmmc1: <0x03:0x5344:SC16G:0x80:0x8054cb58:0x124>
[   2.3147925] ld1: 15193 MB, 7717 cyl, 64 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 31116288 sectors
[   2.3247937] ld1: 4-bit width, DDR50, 50.000 MHz
[   3.7148789] uhub2 at uhub0 port 1: vendor 04b4 (0x4b4) product 6500 (0x6500), class 9/0, rev 3.00/50.10, addr 1
[   3.7548815] uhub3 at uhub1 port 1: vendor 04b4 (0x4b4) product 6502 (0x6502), class 9/0, rev 2.10/50.10, addr 2
[   3.7648828] uhub3: multiple transaction translators
[   4.7849461] axe0 at uhub3 port 2
[   4.7949468] axe0: vendor 2001 (0x2001) product 1a02 (0x1a02), rev 2.00/0.01, addr 3
[   5.7250044] ukphy0 at axe0 phy 16: OUI 0x007063, model 0x0008, rev. 1
[   5.7350046] ukphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
[   5.7450057] axe0: Ethernet address [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
[   5.7450057] WARNING: 6 errors while detecting hardware; check system log.
[   5.7550058] boot device: ld1
[   5.7550058] root on ld1a dumps on ld1b
[   5.7650070] root file system type: ffs
[   5.7650070] kern.module.path=/stand/evbarm/9.99.36/modules
[   5.7750070] WARNING: no TOD clock present
[   5.7750070] WARNING: using filesystem time