Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Date: 2020-03-16 11:33:00
From: Neko May
Description: Banana Pi M3
>> NetBSD/evbarm efiboot (arm), Revision 1.13 (Sun Mar 15 15:58:24 UTC 2020)
Press return to boot now, any other key for boot prompt
booting netbsd - starting in 0 seconds.     
7968276+2129116+1393444 [408422+478272+507184]=0xc50b70
EHCI failed to shut down host controller.
[   1.0000000] NetBSD/evbarm (fdt) booting ...
[   1.0000000] [ Kernel symbol table missing! ]
[   1.0000000] pool redzone disabled for 'l1ttpl'
[   1.0000000] pool redzone disabled for 'kmem-04096'
[   1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
[   1.0000000]     2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
[   1.0000000]     2018, 2019, 2020 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
[   1.0000000] Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
[   1.0000000]     The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

[   1.0000000] NetBSD 9.99.49 (GENERIC) #0: Sun Mar 15 15:58:24 UTC 2020
[   1.0000000]  [_EMAIL_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]:/usr/src/sys/arch/evbarm/compile/GENERIC
[   1.0000000] total memory = 2048 MB
[   1.0000000] avail memory = 1996 MB
[   1.0000000] netbsd32_sysctl_emul_setup: called
[   1.0000000] sysctl_createv: sysctl_locate(maxtypenum) returned 2
[   1.0000000] pool redzone disabled for 'buf64k'
[   1.0000000] running cgd selftest aes-xts-256 aes-xts-512 done
[   1.0000000] armfdt0 (root)
[   1.0000000] simplebus0 at armfdt0: Banana Pi BPI-M3
[   1.0000000] simplebus1 at simplebus0
[   1.0000000] simplebus2 at simplebus0
[   1.0000000] cpus0 at simplebus0
[   1.0000000] simplebus3 at simplebus0
[   1.0000000] cpu0 at cpus0: Cortex-A7 r0p5 (Cortex V7A core)
[   1.0000000] cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT branch prediction enabled
[   1.0000000] cpu0: 32KB/32B 2-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
[   1.0000000] cpu0: 32KB/64B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
[   1.0000000] cpu0: 512KB/64B 8-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache
[   1.0000000] vfp0 at cpu0: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt0 at cpu0
[   1.0000000] cpu1 at cpus0
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt1 at cpu1
[   1.0000000] cpu2 at cpus0
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt2 at cpu2
[   1.0000000] cpu3 at cpus0
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt3 at cpu3
[   1.0000000] cpu4 at cpus0
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt4 at cpu4
[   1.0000000] cpu5 at cpus0
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt5 at cpu5
[   1.0000000] cpu6 at cpus0
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt6 at cpu6
[   1.0000000] cpu7 at cpus0
[   1.0000000] cpufreqdt7 at cpu7
[   1.0000000] gic0 at simplebus1: GIC
[   1.0000000] armgic0 at gic0: Generic Interrupt Controller, 224 sources (215 valid)
[   1.0000000] armgic0: 32 Priorities, 192 SPIs, 7 PPIs, 16 SGIs
[   1.0000000] fclock0 at simplebus2: 16000000 Hz fixed clock (osc16M)
[   1.0000000] fclock1 at simplebus2: 24000000 Hz fixed clock (osc24M)
[   1.0000000] ffclock0 at simplebus2: x1 /512 fixed-factor clock
[   1.0000000] syscon0 at simplebus1: System Controller Registers
[   1.0000000] gtmr0 at simplebus0: Generic Timer
[   1.0000000] gtmr0: interrupting on GIC irq 27
[   1.0000000] armgtmr0 at gtmr0: Generic Timer (24000 kHz, virtual)
[   1.0000060] sun8ia83tccu0 at simplebus1: A83T CCU
[   1.0000060] sunxinmi0 at simplebus1: R_INTC
[   1.0000060] sunxigpio0 at simplebus1: PIO
[   1.0000060] gpio0 at sunxigpio0: 107 pins
[   1.0000060] sunxigpio0: interrupting on GIC irq 47
[   1.0000060] sunxigpio1 at simplebus1: PIO
[   1.0000060] gpio1 at sunxigpio1: 13 pins
[   1.0000060] sunxigpio1: interrupting on GIC irq 77
[   1.0000060] sunxirsb0 at simplebus1: RSB
[   1.0000060] sunxirsb0: interrupting on GIC irq 71
[   1.0000060] iic0 at sunxirsb0: I2C bus
[   1.0000060] axppmic0 at iic0 addr 0x3a3: AXP813
[   1.0000060] axpreg0 at axppmic0: vcc-wifi
[   1.0000060] axpreg1 at axppmic0
[   1.0000060] axpreg2 at axppmic0: vcc-pd
[   1.0000060] axpreg3 at axppmic0
[   1.0000060] axpreg4 at axppmic0
[   1.0000060] axpreg5 at axppmic0
[   1.0000060] axpreg6 at axppmic0
[   1.0000060] axpreg7 at axppmic0: vdd12-hsic
[   1.0000060] axpreg8 at axppmic0: vdd-cpus
[   1.0000060] axpreg9 at axppmic0: vcc-3v3
[   1.0000060] axpreg10 at axppmic0: vdd-cpua
[   1.0000060] axpreg11 at axppmic0: vdd-cpub
[   1.0000060] axpreg12 at axppmic0: vdd-gpu
[   1.0000060] axpreg13 at axppmic0: vcc-dram
[   1.0000060] axpreg14 at axppmic0: vdd-sys
[   1.0000060] axpreg15 at axppmic0
[   1.0000060] axpreg16 at axppmic0: vcc-1v8
[   1.0000060] axpreg17 at axppmic0: dram-pll
[   1.0000060] axpreg18 at axppmic0: avcc
[   1.0000060] ac100ic0 at iic0 addr 0xe89: CODEC/RTC
[   1.0000060] sun6idma0 at simplebus1: DMA controller (8 channels)
[   1.0000060] sun6idma0: interrupting on GIC irq 82
[   1.0000060] connector0 at simplebus0: HDMI connector
[   1.0000060] sunxisid0 at simplebus1: Security ID EFUSE
[   1.0000060] com0 at simplebus1: ns16550a, working fifo
[   1.0000060] com0: console
[   1.0000060] com0: interrupting on GIC irq 32
[   1.0000060] com1 at simplebus1: ns16550a, working fifo
[   1.0000060] com1: interrupting on GIC irq 33
[   1.0000060] fregulator0 at simplebus0: usb1-vbus
[   1.0000060] sunxiusbphy0 at simplebus1: USB PHY
[   1.0000060] /opp_table0 at simplebus0 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc/cci@1790000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] /opp_table1 at simplebus0 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc/mixer@1100000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc/mixer@1200000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc/clock@1000000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc/lcd-controller@1c0c000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc/lcd-controller@1c0d000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc/hdmi@1ee0000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] mmcpwrseq0 at simplebus0: couldn't acquire ext_clock
[   1.0000060] emac0 at simplebus1: EMAC
[   1.0000060] emac0: Ethernet address [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
[   1.0000060] emac0: interrupting on GIC irq 114
[   1.0000060] rgephy0 at emac0 phy 1: RTL8211E 1000BASE-T media interface
[   1.0000060] rgephy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, 1000baseT, 1000baseT-FDX, auto
[   1.0000060] /soc/hdmi-phy@1ef0000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc/clock@1f01400 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] /display-engine at simplebus0 not configured
[   1.0000060] sunximmc0 at simplebus1: SD/MMC controller
[   1.0000060] sunximmc0: interrupting on GIC irq 92
[   1.0000060] sunximmc1 at simplebus1: SD/MMC controller
[   1.0000060] sunximmc1: interrupting on GIC irq 93
[   1.0000060] sunximmc2 at simplebus1: SD/MMC controller
[   1.0000060] sunximmc2: interrupting on GIC irq 94
[   1.0000060] /soc/crypto@1c15000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] motg0 at simplebus1: 'otg' mode not supported
[   1.0000060] ehci0 at simplebus1: EHCI
[   1.0000060] ehci0: interrupting on GIC irq 104
[   1.0000060] ehci0: 1 companion controller, 1 port
[   1.0000060] usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
[   1.0000060] /soc/ir@1f02000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] sunxithermal0 at simplebus1: Thermal sensor controller
[   1.0000060] sunxithermal0: interrupting on GIC irq 63
[   1.0000060] sunxithermal0: cluster0: alarm 99C hyst 78C shut 120C
[   1.0000060] sunxithermal0: cluster1: alarm 99C hyst 78C shut 120C
[   1.0000060] sunxithermal0: gpu: alarm 99C hyst 78C shut 120C
[   1.0000060] gpioleds0 at simplebus0:
[   1.0000060] /soc/cpucfg@1700000 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] /soc/timer@1c20c00 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.0000060] sunxiwdt0 at simplebus1: Watchdog
[   1.0000060] sunxiwdt0: default watchdog period is 16 seconds
[   1.0000060] /soc/r_cpucfg@1f01c00 at simplebus1 not configured
[   1.6612586] cpu2: Cortex-A7 r0p5 (Cortex V7A core)
[   1.6712627] cpu2: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT branch prediction enabled
[   1.6712627] cpu2: 32KB/32B 2-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
[   1.6812520] cpu2: 32KB/64B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
[   1.6812520] cpu2: 512KB/64B 8-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache
[   1.6912580] vfp2 at cpu2: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[   1.7012541] cpu4: Cortex-A7 r0p5 (Cortex V7A core)
[   1.7012541] cpu4: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT branch prediction enabled
[   1.7112529] cpu4: 32KB/32B 2-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
[   1.7212528] cpu4: 32KB/64B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
[   1.7212528] cpu4: 512KB/64B 8-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache
[   1.7312539] vfp4 at cpu4: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[   1.7412539] cpu5: Cortex-A7 r0p5 (Cortex V7A core)
[   1.7412539] cpu5: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT branch prediction enabled
[   1.7512551] cpu5: 32KB/32B 2-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
[   1.7512551] cpu5: 32KB/64B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
[   1.7612549] cpu5: 512KB/64B 8-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache
[   1.7712563] vfp5 at cpu5: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[   1.7812555] cpu6: Cortex-A7 r0p5 (Cortex V7A core)
[   1.7812555] cpu6: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT branch prediction enabled
[   1.7912582] cpu6: 32KB/32B 2-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
[   1.7912582] cpu6: 32KB/64B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
[   1.8012565] cpu6: 512KB/64B 8-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache
[   1.8112588] vfp6 at cpu6: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[   1.8112588] cpu1: Cortex-A7 r0p5 (Cortex V7A core)
[   1.8212589] cpu1: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT branch prediction enabled
[   1.8312598] cpu1: 32KB/32B 2-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
[   1.8312598] cpu1: 32KB/64B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
[   1.8412602] cpu1: 512KB/64B 8-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache
[   1.8412602] vfp1 at cpu1: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[   1.8512609] cpu7: Cortex-A7 r0p5 (Cortex V7A core)
[   1.8612600] cpu7: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT branch prediction enabled
[   1.8612600] cpu7: 32KB/32B 2-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
[   1.8712619] cpu7: 32KB/64B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
[   1.8812605] cpu7: 512KB/64B 8-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache
[   1.8812605] vfp7 at cpu7: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[   1.8912612] cpu3: Cortex-A7 r0p5 (Cortex V7A core)
[   1.9012631] cpu3: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT branch prediction enabled
[   1.9012631] cpu3: 32KB/32B 2-way L1 VIPT Instruction cache
[   1.9112640] cpu3: 32KB/64B 4-way write-back-locking-C L1 PIPT Data cache
[   1.9112640] cpu3: 512KB/64B 8-way write-through L2 PIPT Unified cache
[   1.9212641] vfp3 at cpu3: NEON MPE (VFP 3.0+), rounding, NaN propagation, denormals
[   1.9412688] sdmmc0 at sunximmc0
[   1.9512652] sdmmc1 at sunximmc1
[   1.9512652] sdmmc2 at sunximmc2
[   1.9712775] uhub0 at usb0: NetBSD (0x0000) EHCI root hub (0x0000), class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
[   2.0512710] sdmmc1: sdmmc_mem_enable failed with error 60
[   2.0612704] sdmmc1: couldn't enable card: 60
[   2.0812708] ld2 at sdmmc2: <0x15:0x0100:8GTF4R:0x00:0xde5d4f0f:0x000>
[   2.0812708] ld2: 7456 MB, 3787 cyl, 64 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 15269888 sectors
[   2.0978500] ld2: 8-bit width, 64 MB cache, 52.000 MHz
[   2.1023704] sdmmc0: SD card status: 4-bit, C10, U1
[   2.1123686] ld0 at sdmmc0: <0x03:0x5344:SU32G:0x80:0x1d4f60ff:0x0cb>
[   2.1123686] ld0: 30436 MB, 7729 cyl, 128 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 62333952 sectors
[   2.1223675] ld0: 4-bit width, High-Speed/SDR25, 50.000 MHz
[   4.2224492] uhub1 at uhub0 port 1: vendor 1a40 (0x1a40) USB 2.0 Hub (0x0101), class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.11, addr 2
[   4.2346525] uhub1: single transaction translator
[   5.5425018] umass0 at uhub1 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0
[   5.5527748] umass0: vendor 05e3 (0x05e3) USB Storage (0x0718), rev 2.00/0.16, addr 3
[   5.5625065] scsibus0 at umass0: 2 targets, 1 lun per target
[   5.5625065] sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: <USB TO I, DE/SATA Device, 0016> disk fixed
[   5.5725086] sd0: drive offline
[   5.5825052] WARNING: 2 errors while detecting hardware; check system log.
[   5.5947347] boot device: ld0
[   5.6025072] root on ld0a dumps on ld0b
[   5.6025072] root file system type: ffs
[   5.6150798] kern.module.path=/stand/evbarm/9.99.49/modules
[   5.6239032] WARNING: preposterous TOD clock time
[   5.6239032] WARNING: using filesystem time