Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Date: 2024-03-06 07:23:30
From: yamori813
Description: STR91xx 10.0_RC5
[     1.000000] Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
[     1.000000]     2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
[     1.000000]     2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023,
[     1.000000]     2024
[     1.000000]     The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
[     1.000000] Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
[     1.000000]     The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

[     1.000000] NetBSD 10.0_RC5 (STR91xx) #5: Wed Mar  6 16:18:11 JST 2024
[     1.000000]         hiroki@netbsd:/usr/home/hiroki/netbsd-10/sys/arch/evbarm/compile/obj/STR91xx
[     1.000000] total memory = 65536 KB
[     1.000000] avail memory = 60096 KB
[     1.000000] timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
[     1.000000] mainbus0 (root)
[     1.000000] cpu0 at mainbus0 core 0: FA526 rev 1 (ARMv4 V4 core)
[     1.000000] cpu0: DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled LABT
[     1.000000] cpu0: L1 16KB/16B 2-way (512 set) VIVT Instruction cache
[     1.000000] cpu0: L1 16KB/16B 2-way (512 set) write-back-locking-B VIVT Data cache
[     1.000000] star0 at mainbus0: Star Orion Family SoC: STR9100, 250MHz
[     1.000000] starclk0 at star0 addr 0x79000000-0x79000047 irq 0: Programmable Timer
[     1.000000] com0 at star0 addr 0x78000000-0x7800001f irq 10: ns16550a, 16-byte FIFO
[     1.000000] com0: console
[     1.000000] ohci0 at star0 addr 0xc4000000-0xc400005b irq 23: USB1.1 Host Controller
[     1.000000] ohci0: OHCI version 1.0, legacy support
[     1.000000] usb0 at ohci0: USB revision 1.0
[     1.000000] ehci0 at star0 addr 0xcc000000-0xcc00006b irq 24: USB2.0 Host Controller
[     1.000000] ehci0: EHCI version 1.0
[     1.000000] ehci0: wrong number of companions (1 != 0)
[     1.000000] autoconfiguration error: ehci0: ohci or uhci probably not configured
[     1.000000] usb1 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
[     1.000000] starrtc0 at star0 addr 0x7b000000-0x7b000037 irq 14: Real-time Clock
[     1.000000] starwdog0 at star0 addr 0x7a000000-0x7a00001b irq 3: Watch Dog Timer
[     1.000000] stargpio0 at star0 addr 0x7c000000-0x7c000047 irq 4: GPIO
[     1.000000] gpio0 at stargpio0: 32 pins
[     1.000000] gsec0 at star0 addr 0x70000000-0x7000029b irq 18: Gigabit Switch Engine
[     1.000000] gse0 at gsec0 port0
[     1.000000] gse0: Ethernet address [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
[     1.000000] gse1 at gsec0 port1
[     1.000000] gse1: Ethernet address [_MAC_XXXXXXXXXX]
[     1.000000] cfi0 at mainbus0
[     1.000000] cfi0: CFI NOR flash 8192 KB x16
[     1.000000] nor0 at cfi0
[     1.000000] nor0: page size: 1, spare size: 0, block size: 64 KB
[     1.000000] nor0: LUN size: 128 blocks, LUNs: 1, total storage size: 8192 KB
[     1.000000] flash0 at nor0, size 256 KB, offset 0, read only
[     1.000000] flash0: erase size 64 KB bytes, write size 1 bytes
[     1.000000] timecounter: Timecounter "starclk" frequency 62500000 Hz quality 100
[     1.000003] timecounter: Timecounter "clockinterrupt" frequency 100 Hz quality 0
[     1.009796] WARNING: system needs entropy for security; see entropy(7)
[     1.039757] uhub0 at usb0: NetBSD (0x0000) OHCI root hub (0x0000), class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
[     1.039757] uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
[     1.039757] uhub1 at usb1: NetBSD (0x0000) EHCI root hub (0x0000), class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
[     1.049760] uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
[     2.119705] umass0 at uhub1 port 1 configuration 1 interface 0
[     2.119705] umass0: Genesys Logic (0x05e3) USB TO IDE (0x0702), rev 2.00/0.33, addr 2
[     2.119705] umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
[     2.129769] scsibus0 at umass0: 2 targets, 1 lun per target
[     2.149707] sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: <FUJITSU, MHD2032AT, 0811> disk fixed
[     2.149707] sd0: fabricating a geometry
[     2.149707] sd0: 3102 MB, 3102 cyl, 64 head, 32 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 6354432 sectors
[     2.149707] WARNING: 1 error while detecting hardware; check system log.
[     2.149707] boot device: <unknown>
[     2.149707] root on sd0a dumps on sd0b
[     2.159762] sd0: fabricating a geometry
[     2.359752] kern.module.path=/stand/evbarm/10.0/modules
[     2.359752] WARNING: preposterous TOD clock time
[     2.359752] WARNING: using filesystem time
[     3.649709] entropy: best effort
[     4.359789] WARNING: negative runtime; monotonic clock has gone backwards
[    11.729733] entropy: ready
[    15.349754] gsec0: not implemented yet
[    15.489741] gsec0: not implemented yet