Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Available tokens: date, nickname, description, dmesg.

Date From (nickname) OS (derived) Description
2020-01-01 uin FreeBSD Toshiba Baytrail 10inch laptop 2014
2020-01-01 uin FreeBSD Acer V3-112P-C9AX 10inch Baytrail laptop 2014
2019-12-28 mko FreeBSD Rock Pi 4 FreeBSD-13-CURRENT
2019-12-26 ganbold FreeBSD Marvell Armada 3720 Community Board ESPRESSOBin v4 (arm64)
2019-12-23 yamori813 FreeBSD Fon_FON2100_SW
2019-12-16 fandrey FreeBSD Lenovo ThinkBook 13s IWL (FreeBSD 13 require disable Security Boot)
2019-12-14 YRabbit DragonFly Custom I5 PC
2019-12-13 deltahotel FreeBSD Toshiba Satellite C70D-B-10G
2019-12-09 yamori813 FreeBSD Buffalo_WZR-HP-G300NH
2019-12-08 yamori813 FreeBSD Fon_FON2412
2019-12-07 yamori813 FreeBSD Nec_WR8170N
2019-12-07 yamori813 FreeBSD Nec_WR8700N
2019-12-07 yamori813 FreeBSD Buffalo_WZR2-G300N
2019-12-06 kdunn FreeBSD Dell Optiplex GX260
2019-12-06 kdunn FreeBSD Dell Optiplex GX260
2019-12-06 yamori813 FreeBSD Onion_Omega
2019-12-04 yamori813 FreeBSD Planex_MZK-W300NAG
2019-12-04 yamori813 FreeBSD Fon_FON2305E_FDT use split rootfs from firmware partition
2019-12-03 yamori813 FreeBSD IOData_WN-G300R
2019-12-03 yamori813 FreeBSD Buffalo_WZR-HP-AG300H
2019-12-03 yamori813 FreeBSD Fon_FON2305E_FDT
2019-12-02 yamori813 FreeBSD IOData_WN-AG450DGR flash rootfs
2019-12-02 yamori813 FreeBSD Nec_WR1200
2019-12-01 yamori813 FreeBSD RT3883 on IOData_WN-AG450DGR Ethernet work fine
2019-11-30 yamori813 FreeBSD Planex_MZK-W300NAG
2019-11-30 yamori813 FreeBSD RT3883 with usb da0
2019-11-30 skreuzer FreeBSD Power Mac G4 (Graphite)
2019-11-30 yamori813 FreeBSD RT3883
2019-11-28 vlado FreeBSD Intel Atom CPU D525 FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE r354233 GENERIC amd64
2019-11-26 mko_io FreeBSD Rock Pi 4 FreeBSD-13-CURRENT
2019-11-23 Igor FreeBSD Home Athlon(tm) X4 840 PC
2019-11-22 yamori813 FreeBSD Softbank_E-WMTA22
2019-11-20 SleepWalker FreeBSD FreeBSD 13-CURRENT on RADXA RockPi4 (RK3399)
2019-11-20 SleepWalker FreeBSD FreeBSD 13-CURRENT on RADXA RockPi4 (RK3399)
2019-11-10 vlado FreeBSD Raspberry Pi 3 model B ver.2 FreeBSD 12.1-RELEASE r354233 GENERIC arm64
2019-11-10 mikael FreeBSD Nvidia Jetson Nano FreeBSD 13-current
2019-11-07 yamori813 FreeBSD Softbank_E-WMTA22 USB work
2019-11-06 yamori813 FreeBSD Softbank_E-WMTA22 DEBUG add USB
2019-11-06 yamori813 FreeBSD Softbank_E-WMTA22 DEBUG
2019-11-03 Pau Amma FreeBSD Lenovo z50-70 with 8GB RAM

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