Launched in 2004, dmesgd aims to provide a user-submitted repository of searchable *BSD dmesgs. The dmesg(8) command displays the system message buffer's content, and during boot a copy is saved to /var/run/dmesg.boot. This buffer contains the operating system release, name and version, a list of devices identified, plus a whole host of other useful information. We hope others find this resource useful and further contribute to its growth. Contact us at [ admin at lists dot nycbug dot org ]. Note that this site is not a substitute for sending the dmesg directly to the respective project.

Available tokens: date, nickname, description, dmesg.

Date From (nickname) OS (derived) Description
2019-11-03 yamori813 FreeBSD Softbank_E-WMTA22(MIndspeed Comcerto 1000 still not complete)
2019-10-30 Low power FreeBSD Compaq LTE 5250 with Intel Pentium 120 MHz processor and 16 MiB RAM running a customized kFreeBSD 10.4-RELEASE-p13
2019-10-29 mko_io FreeBSD RockPi4 4G 1.3rev FreeBSD 13-current
2019-10-21 gemoraes FreeBSD FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT on IdeaPad S210 Touch
2019-10-20 gemoraes FreeBSD FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT on ThinkPad E490
2019-10-18 ronald FreeBSD FreeBSD-12.1-RC2/arm64 GENERIC-MMCCAM on raspberrypi rpi 3Bplus
2019-10-18 SleepWalker FreeBSD FreeBSD 13-CURRENT on Khadas-EDGE-V RK3399
2019-10-18 yamori813 FreeBSD Pcduino_Lite
2019-10-16 yamori813 FreeBSD Buffalo_WZR2-G300N
2019-10-15 LarsSkogstad FreeBSD Lenovo Thinkpad T470 (Lenovo T470 20HD000EMX)
2019-10-13 FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on a Google Pixelbook aka eve (upstream coreboot and edk2, speedshift via D18028, iichid by wulf)
2019-10-11 ronald FreeBSD FreeBSD-12.1-RC1/arm64 GENERIC-MMCCAM on raspberrypi rpi 3Bplus
2019-10-09 SleepWalker FreeBSD FreeBSD 13-CURRENT on Khadas-EDGE-V RK3399
2019-10-07 ronald FreeBSD FreeBSD-12.1-BETA2/arm64 on raspberrypi rpi 3B
2019-10-07 yamori813 FreeBSD Softbank_E-WMTA22(MIndspeed Comcerto 1000 not complete)
2019-10-04 yamori813 FreeBSD Netgear_WGR614Cv7
2019-10-04 yamori813 FreeBSD Buffalo_WZR2-G300N
2019-10-03 yamori813 FreeBSD Pcduino_Lite
2019-10-02 yamori813 FreeBSD Onion_Omega
2019-10-02 yamori813 FreeBSD Fon_FON2305E_FDT
2019-09-25 ronald FreeBSD FreeBSD/arm64 on raspberrypi rpi 3B
2019-09-18 yamori813 FreeBSD Pcduino_Lite
2019-09-16 john FreeBSD ASRock J5005-ITX
2019-08-29 yamori813 FreeBSD Buffalo_WZR2-G300N
2019-08-29 mishin FreeBSD FreeBSD/arm on Orange Pi Zero
2019-08-27 yvesh FreeBSD FreeBSD 12-STABLE Lenovo ThinkPad P1
2019-08-26 Low power FreeBSD Home server with AMD FX-6300 processor running kFreeBSD 10.4-RELEASE-p13 that compiled with GCC
2019-08-18 Squat FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on Dell Inc. PowerEdge R720
2019-08-18 Squat FreeBSD FreeBSD/amd64 on HP ProLiant DL360 G6
2019-08-18 yamori813 FreeBSD Fon_FON2412 with uartf
2019-08-18 yamori813 FreeBSD Fon_FON2305E_FDT with gpiopps
2019-08-16 yamori813 FreeBSD Fon_FON2305E_FDT
2019-08-15 yamori813 FreeBSD Fon_FON2412
2019-08-12 br FreeBSD HiFive Unleashed (SiFive Freedom U540 SoC, 4x RISC-V cores)
2019-08-09 wollman FreeBSD Dell PowerEdge R340
2019-07-24 FreeBSD FreeBSD/aarch64 on Packet c2.arm.large (Lenovo HR330A - Ampere eMAG 8180 - 32 core Skylark ARMv8 - now with more stuff)
2019-07-20 Michael Tuexen FreeBSD Lenovo ThinkSystem HR350A (Ampere eMAG)
2019-07-20 [tj] FreeBSD NanoPi-NEOLTS
2019-07-19 yamori813 FreeBSD Corega_CG-WLCVR54AG
2019-07-18 yamori813 FreeBSD Buffalo_WZR-HP-AG300H

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